CALL. 31.01.2016: Antiquipop: Reference to Antiquity in Comtemporary Popular Culture - Lyon (France)

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Lyon 2 Lumière University ; Musée gallo-romain (Lyon, France)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE:Fabien Bièvre-Perrin ; Laury-Nuria André ; Élise Pampanay.
INFO: web -
While studies in Antiquity may be considered useless and old-fashioned, while the recent decisions of the french government themselves makes this kind of generalizing statements a reality, we may think that Antiquity and what is left of it, is doomed to decay and disappear. However, at the same time, medias, artistic and cultural creations for the general public, as well as new types of digital art, reflect a different phenomenon: our screens seem to be overwhelmed with themes and aesthetics from Antiquity, thus putting up some resistance to Cassandras’ predictions.
It is precisely this resisting phenomenon to disappearance, in a word, this obstinacy that we which to question. The fact that Antiquity is so present in our artistic and cultural world is not self-evident, far from it. Research on Antiquity has recently been shaken up by a whole range of groundbreaking studies, especially Reception and Reception Theories studies, bringing to light several analyses focusing on comics, manga, peplums, video games, etc. We wish then to tackle the question of Reception of Antiquity in a field that has been until now underestimated, if not completely neglected, by scholars: the popular culture in all its features: the pop, musical and video worlds, television, fashion, etc.
Starting from the identification of images of Antiquity in pop music, TV series, modern art, fashion and video games, the analyses will question the existence of stereotypes, the invention of new codes, their deciphering as well as their hermeneutical range, aethetically speaking as well as from an Images and Reception theory perspective.
We welcome papers exploring these questions, coming from different fields of expertise, in a resolutely interdisciplinary approach: historians, art historians, aesthetics experts, visual artists, literature and comparative studies specialists, archaeologists, semanticists and semiology experts are particularly welcome to submit their proposal.
Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (in French or English) and should be sent via the “Submit” tab of this website at the latest January, 31th 2016. Would you have any question, please send an email to the organizing