Cognitive Visions: Poetic Image-Making and the Mind - 11-12/01/2016, Oxford (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 11-12/01/2016
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: St. John's College, University of Oxford (Oxford, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Katharine Earnshaw ; Felix Budelmann INFO: web - ;
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: incripción online / online registration / registrazione online
- £35
from 10am Registration
10.30 Welcome
10.40 Emily Troscianko (Oxford), ‘Envisioning Cognitive Futures for the Humanities'
11.30 Douglas Cairns (Edinburgh), 'Vision, Visualization, and Emotional Contagion: Some Conceptual and Methodological Issues'
12.20pm Lunch
1.30 Thomas Habinek (USC), 'Images of Cremation in Classical Latin Poetry'
2.20 Katharine Earnshaw (Oxford), 'Bodies of Knowledge and Embodied Corpora'
3.10 Coffee
3.40 Verity Platt (Cornell), 'Cheiropoetics: Embodied Cognition and the Ekphrastic Work of the Hand'
4.20 Felix Budelmann (Oxford), 'Visualising the Lyric Present'
5.10 Break
5.20 Experiment
6 Reception
9.20am Mark Stokes (Oxford), ‘Constructive Vision: A Neuroscience Perspective’
10.10 Nick Lowe (RHUL), 'The Dreaming Eye'
11 Coffee
11.30 Roy Gibson (Manchester), 'Selective Visual Attention in Roman Love Elegy'
12.20pm Luuk Huitink (Heidelberg), 'Internal Audiences in Homer: Psychonarration or Visuality?'
1.10 Lunch
2.10 Laura Swift (Open University), 'Visualising Performance in Partheneia'
3 Barney Taylor (Oxford), 'Visualising Colour in Simile'
3.50 Coffee
4.20 Daryn Lehoux (Queen’s University, Ontario), 'Knowledge of the Heavenly Causes and the Heavenly Causes of Knowledge in Manilius'
5.10-6 Terence Cave (Oxford), Concluding Thoughts