CALL. 31.01.2016: “Textiles and Dyes in the Mediterranean Economy and Society”, VI PURPUREAE VESTES
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Università degli Studi di Padova (Padova, Italy)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE:Maria Stella Busana (Università degli Studi di Padova) ; Margarita Gleba (University of Cambridge) ; Francesco Meo (Università degli Studi del Salento) ; Giovanna Gambacurta (Polo Museale del Veneto) ; Mariolina Gamba (Polo Museale del Veneto)
INFO: web - ; ;
Dear colleagues and friends,
It is our pleasure to announce that the VI International Symposium Purpureae Vestes will be held on 20-22 October 2016. The Symposium will take place at the University of Padua in Padua (20 October), at the Museo Nazionale Atestino in Este (21 October) and at the Museo Nazionale Altinate in Altino (22 October). The Symposium will focus on the role of textile production and dyeing in the economic activities of the various ancient cultures of the Mediterranean area. We particularly welcome synthetic papers using textile evidence to understand wider economic developments of ancient Mediterranean societies. As in previous symposia, however, presentations of new finds are welcome, as well.
For practical reasons we need to know the exact number of people planning to attend the symposium. This is why we kindly request you to send us the registration form (Annex 1) as soon as possible.
We invite the submission of titles and abstracts (ca. 300 words in length) which are due by 31 January 2016, preferably before the deadline, if possible.
Participants will have 20 minutes to present their papers. Papers will be scheduled for the morning and afternoon of 20 and 21 October, and for the morning of the 22 October. This should allow for 30-35 participants to present. Time will be allocated for poster presentation and they will also be included in the proceedings.
The Symposium is open to anyone interested in textiles and dyes in the ancient Mediterranean world (researchers, students and people wanting to increase their knowledge of these fields). We recommend you arrive to Padua on 19 October (see Annex 2 for practical information about getting to Padua). The registration will open at 16:00-19:00 on 19 October and at 8:30 on 20 October and the Symposium will commence at 9:30.
CONFERENCE LANGUAGES English, French, Italian
REGISTRATION The registration is free, however you will have an option to pay for organized lunches and optional excursions (Annex 1). We need to know the number of people attending as soon as possible as it will make it easier for us to book buses, visits, calculate space in the assembly room, etc. if we know numbers.
EXCURSIONS Wednesday 19 October: Botanic Garden (Padua) (optional and at extra coast) Friday 21 October: Museo Nazionale Atestino (Este) (included and free) Saturday 22 October: Museo Nazionale Altinate (Altino) (included and free) Saturday 22 October, afternoon: Cruise to Venice, Museo del Costume (Venice) (optional and at extra coast).
POSTERS Authors should give their posters to the organisers upon arrival. They will be displayed and presented the first day of the Symposium. Format: up to DIN A0.