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Classical Literature and Quotation Culture - 20-21/07/2016, Exeter (England)

This conference will shed light on ‘quotation culture’ in the ancient world, bringing together scholars with interests in Greek and Latin literature, ancient literary criticism and modern literary theory. The aim of the event is to establish new, methodologically sophisticated approaches to quotation in the ancient world, to mark out a distinctively classical space within the emerging field of ‘quotation studies’, and to generate new theoretical insights which could feed back into other areas of literary and cultural studies. A considerable range of Greek and Latin authors and texts fall within the range of the project, including poets, dramatists, orators, philosophers, literary critics, historians, ancient scholars, compilers of anthologies and encyclopedias, etc. At the heart of all these specific questions is a much more basic question, which is of the utmost relevance to any reader, scholar, student or critic: that is, what are we doing when we quote?

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 20-21/07/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Matthew Wright (University of Exeter)




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