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Civilization and Its Opposite in Antiquity. 4th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Ancien

Differentiating between “we” and “others”, “known” and “alien”, “familiar” or “strange”, finally “civilized” and “uncivilized” seems to accompany human race from the very beginning of, that’s the point, “civilization”. Many factors were also used to define this “civilization”, for the sake of separating from its opposite. The term “civilization” could take also various forms, and serve many different ideologies as well as political goals. What is especially interesting, this term seems to serve as the one of the best for the identification of the individual with the specified social group. Although being one of the most unspecified, it is the most unambiguous for such group’s members.

From the other hand, members of other groups, were very often presented, and defined, as “uncivilized”, what could be identical with “opposite”. Sometimes they were described as “strange”, “weird”, “ridiculous”, but these terms often led to being labelled as “dangerous”, “evil”, “inimical”, “sacrilegious”, “wild”, and so on.

That is why it would be very interesting to present, and discuss, what was believed to be the basics of civilization, and what was its opposite, throughout the ancient history, in the various cultures, from China in the East to Roman Empire in the West.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 22-23-24/06/2016

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Institute of Near Eastern Studies - West-Bohemian University (Plzeň, Czech Republic)


- Institute of Ancient Near East, West-Bohemian University Plzen

- Institute of Comparative Linguistics, Charles University Prague

- Institute of Classical, Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, University of Wrocław

- Confucius Institute at the University of Wrocław, Poland

INFO: pdf -


- General / Standard / Generale: 120€

- Doctorandos / Doctoral students / Studenti dottorato di ricerca: 80€

- Acompañantes / Accompanying persons / Accompagnatori: 60€


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