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Hellenistic Central Asia: Current Research, New Directions - 15-16-17/04/2016, Reading (England)

The study of Hellenistic Central Asia (modern Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and former-Soviet Central Asian Republics, c. 323 BC – AD 10) is a rapidly developing field, with many new research projects and doctoral dissertations in the UK and overseas. Because of the field’s fragmentation among many universities and academic departments, however, scholars and students rarely have the opportunity to interact, discover new research and develop collaborations. Hellenistic Central Asia: Current Research, New Directions aims to connect scholars, provide a specialised venue for presentation and feedback on new research, and assess the current state of the field. It aims to serve early career scholars, in particular, so that they can share current projects, network, find or become mentors, identify fieldwork opportunities, gain organisational and editorial experience, and strategise for the academic job market.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 15-16-17/04/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr. Rachel Mairs (University of Reading)

INFO: web -



Friday 15 April

12:00 Registration and coffee 13:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks (Rachel Mairs, University of Reading)

Panel 1: Archaeological Fieldwork

13:30 Settlement pattern in Bactria from the early Iron Age to the Hellenistic period: The example of the Sherabad Oasis and its surroundings (Ladislav Stančo, Charles University, Prague)

14:00 Archaeology, Money, and Politics: Six months at Mes Aynak (David Fallon, University College London)

14:30 Ceramics of the Parthian Homeland: new data about the ceramic production of the early Arsacid period from the Italian excavations in Old Nisa (Turkmenistan) (Jacopo Bruno, Università degli Studi di Torino)

15:00 Current excavations at Barikot (Luca Maria Olivieri, Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan – in absentia)

15:30 Coffee

Round Table Discussion (1)

16:00 Hellenistic pottery: The role and potential of ceramics in the research on Hellenistic Central Asia (Convenor: Gabriele Puschnigg, University College London)

17:00 Reception and tour of the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology

Saturday 16 April

Panel 2: Numismatic Methodologies

10:00 Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek numismatics: Methodologies, new research and limits (Olivier Bordeaux, Paris-Sorbonne)

10:30 A new approach to Graeco-Bactrian coins (Simon Glenn, University of Oxford) 11:00 Wife, not mother? The Indo-Greek queen Agathokleia (Gunnar Dumke, Halle-Wittenberg)

11:30 Coffee

Panel 3: Conceptualising Cultural Interaction

11:45 “Think Global, Act Local”? Cultural strategies in Hellenistic Central Asia (Milinda Hoo, Universität Kiel)

12:15 The Personification of Abstract Concepts in ‘Buddha’s Great Departure’: The impact of Hellenistic art on Gandhāran art (Ilaria Fani, Paris-Sorbonne)

12:45 The Role of Hellenistic Central Asia in the spread of the name of China (Qin, Čina, Θῖν) towards the West and the South (Gościwit Malinowski, University of Wrocław)

13:15 Lunch

Panel 4: Iconography and Identity

14:15 The Indo-Parthians at Begram? Some overlooked evidence (Lauren Morris, Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität München) 14:45 Roses at Tillya-tepe, a case study in plant iconography (Sara Peterson, SOAS, University of London)15:15 Khalchayan: Mode and reconstructions of the battle scene (Patryk Skupniewicz, UPH Siedlce) 15:45 An elephant-rider potsherd of the Kushan king Huvishka (Ulf Jäger, Independent Researcher)

16:15 Coffee

Round Table Discussion (2)

16:45 Publishing and disseminating research on Hellenistic Central Asia: Current trends and future strategies (Convenor: Rachel Mairs, University of Reading)

17:45 Reception and dinner

Sunday 17 April

Panel 5: Kings and Coins

10:00 Dating Bactria independence to 246/5 BC? (Jens Jakobsson, Independent Researcher)

10:30 Sophytes: Reappraisal of an enigmatic ruler and the Sophytes coins (Sushma Jansari, British Museum) 11:00 “Power Policy Numismatics”: Measuring Graeco-Bactrian Political Power through Royal Coins (Frances A. M. Joseph, University of Houston) 11:30 Coffee

11:45 Stasanor of Soloi and the government of Bactria during the first wars of the Diadochs (Marc Mendoza, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

12:15 The Arsakids between the Seleucids and the Achaemenids (Supratik Baralay, University of Oxford)

Panel 6: Greeks and Indians

12:45 The Yavanas among the peoples of Central Asia (Olga Kubica, University of Wrocław)

13:15 Hellenistic Residential Architecture in Taxila (Stefanos Karampekos, University of Marburg)

13:45 Lunch discussion: How best to take the Hellenistic Central Asia Research Network forward? (Convenor:Rachel Mairs, University of Reading)

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