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Borders and Boundaries. 7th Annual Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Conference - 20/06/2016, Leeds (En

Recent events have provoked much debate on the transgression of geographical borders and the impact this has on the lived experience of the global community. This throws up many questions as to how we define boundaries, be they geographical, social, cultural or psychological and what happens when these boundaries are broken.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 20/06/2016

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Devonshire Hall (Leeds, England)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Department of Classics within the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies - University of Leeds




9:00-9:15First Keynote Speaker

Fenton Room

Dr Ingrid Sharp

The University of Leeds


Panel 1.1: Human and Divine

Chaired by Andrea Basso

Fenton Room

Panel 1.2: Constructing Boundaries

Chaired by Maria Haley

Evans Room

9:20-9:40Crossing Psychic Boundaries: Humoral infection of the soul in Plato’s Timaeus

Natalie Enright

A Game of Regions: The fluctuating borders of Aeolis, Mysia, and Troad

Stefanos Apostolou

9:40-10:00Crossing Human Boundaries: Narrative theology in the Iliad andGilgameš

Bernardo Ballesteros Petrella

Borders Set, Borders Broken, Borders Restored: Antigone from the Greek National Theatre at the Epidaurus festivals of 1940 and 1956

Andria Michael

10:00-10:20Woman, Animal, Foreigner: Boundaries on the example of Iphigenia

Alicia Calvo-Panera

Crafty Barbarians? Technological progress and the Empire in Roman thought

Tuuli Ahlholm

10:20-10:40The Daimonic Eagle

Ben Greet

How analytical aesthetics can inform classical scholarship: authorial intention, message and causality in Propertius Elegies IV

Laura Nicoara

10:50-11:00Tea and Coffee Break

Panel 2.1: Aquatic Boundaries

Chaired by Anthi Chrysanthou

Fenton Room

Panel 2.2: Home and Away

Chaired by Devon Allen

Evans Room

11:00-11:20The Durius River Valley: A cultural boundary in the ancient Iberian peninsula

Henry Clarke

Not Again: How “Saving the Muslim” Rhetoric Refuses to Die out

Sadia Seddiki

11:20-11:40“Trans Tiberim peregre venum ibant“: Reconsidering the role of the Tiber as a territorial boundary in the Twelve Tables.

James Crooks

Identity and the Hero in Greek and Egyptian Epic Poetry: Cultural identity and self-rediscovery in Homer’s Odyssey and the Tale of Sinuhe

Max Stocker

11:40-12:00‘No further than this Arethusa’ (Ov.Met. 5.642): Geographical and Generic Boundaries in Ovid’sMetamorphoses

Eleni Ntanou

Shakespeare in the Arab World: Behind Borders and Boundaries

Imen Elkhazri



1:00-1:10Second Keynote Speaker

Fenton Room

Dr Emma Stafford

Panel 3.1: Frenemies

Chaired by Henry Clarke

Fenton Room

Panel 3.2: Intertextuality

Chaired by Leonardo Costantini

Evans Room

1:10-1:30The Key-Words of Colonisation: From ‘Barbarians’ to ‘Indigenous Peoples’ in the approaches to Greek history in the West

Valentina Mignosa

To What Extent is There a Mythological Influence over the Folkloric Type of a ‘Mermaid’

Devon Allen

1:30-1:50To what extent was the semantic opposition between the self and theother relevant for the proclamation of the First Crusade?

Irene Diego

Pushing and Inspecting Comic Boundaries with Characters in The Birds

Timothy McConnell

1:50-2:10Caput et Membra Alia: Reflections of Roman society in Solinus and Martianus’ descriptions of India.

Caroline Belanger

A Foreshadowing Feast: Observations on Microstructure and Intertextuality in Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica 13.1-20

Stephan Renker

2:10-2:30A load of Schmitt? The problems with Carl Schmitt’s account of friend and enemy

Ben Chwistek

‘A bull you fell into milk’. Performative and Oral elements in written texts: from the Orphic gold tablets to the Eighth Book of Moses

Anthi Chrysanthou

2:40-2:50Tea and Coffee Break

Panel 4.1: Transgression

Chaired by Natalie Enright

Fenton Room

Panel 4.2: Water and Land

Chaired by Ben Greet

Evans Room

2:50-3:10Beyond Justice: Atreus’ Transgressive Revenge in Greek Tragedy

Maria Haley

Lemnos: A foggy border set amid various cultures

Evi Kyratsou

3:10-3:30The ‘Erotopoetics’ of Borders: Propertius and the Confinement of Cynthia

Pietro Morlacchi

Resistance to Territorial Loss in the Aramaic and Hebrew Inscriptions from Mount Gerizim

Michael Economou

3:30-3:50Philosophy as Transgression of Boundaries: Myth and language in Plato’s conception of the barbarians

Andrea Basso

Empire with Limits? Geographical and cultural boundaries in the Black Sea region in two Hadrianic texts

Joanna Kemp

4:00-4:10Tea and Coffee Break

Panel 5.1: Memory

Chaired by Anna Reeve

Fenton Room

Panel 5.2: Openness

Chaired by Timothy McConnell

Evans Room

4:10-4:30‘He Who Must Not Be Named’: An overview of the different degrees of damnatio memoriae

Elinor Cosgrave

Individual Freedom and Free Will as Principles of Tolerance: A focus on religions of ancient Greek societies

Marialilia Cavallaro

4:30-4:50‘Transnational’ and ‘Global’ Memories: Truly ‘cosmopolitan’ or a form of selective amnesia?

Jade Douglas

The Purpose of the Anastasian Wall

Joe Dawson

4:50-5:10An Exploration of the Possibilities Offered by Memory for the Analysis of Classical Texts

Sophie Raudnitz

Approaching Empires through Networks instead of Borders

Sam van Dijk

End of Conference

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