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Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Philosophy (AMPAPhil) - 25/06/2016, London (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 25/06/2016

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Senate House (London, England)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Department of Classics, Royal Holloway - University of London


INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: PDF fecha límite/deadline/ scadenza: 10/06/2016


9:00 – 9:30: Registration and coffee in rm. 349

9:30 - 10:30: Welcome folowed by Keynote address from Professor Anne Sheppard (Royal Holloway, University of London)

10:40 – 11:40: SESSION 1

The Concept of Society in Plato, rm. 243

Plato on Becoming a Perfect Society, Vilius Bartninkas (University of Cambridge)

Recreating Platonic agora: the unity of the Meno and socialized conception of episteme, Ni Yu (University of Edinburgh)

Characterisation in Plato, rm. 246

What can be learnt about society's understanding of depression from Plato's presentation of Apollodorus?, Natalie Enright (University of Leeds)

Vicious and Idle: Plato's use of public opinion in his characterisation of the Philosopher, Trinidad Silva (University College London)

11:45 – 12:45: SESSION 2

The presentation of society in Xenophon, rm.243

Socrates, scientists and society in Xenophon’s Memorabilia, Matthew Shelton (University of St. Andrews)

‘A law with eyes for men’: Xenophon’s Cyropaedia and the tyrant’s role in the foundation of society, Alex Ferron (Swansea University)

Aristotle and Society, rm.246

Aristotle on Socrates’ Trial, João Diogo Loureiro (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)

Aristotle on the Social and the Political, Michael Withey (University of Cambridge)

12:45 – 13:30: Lunch in rm. 349

13:30 – 14:30: SESSION 3

Epicurean Philosophy, rm.243

Inclusion and Exclusion in Epicurus’ views on Society, Jonathan Griffiths (University of Heidelberg, Germany)

Who were the sapientes reges? A comparison between Posidonius (F 284 EK = Sen. Epist. 90, 3-6) and Lucretius DRN 5, 1105-12, Nicoletta Bruno (University of Bari, Italy)

Unusual Epicureans: The acceptance of Philodemus and Siro by Roman Elite Society, John Izzo (University of Notre-Dame, Indiana, USA)

The Second Sophistic, rm.246

Religious life and intellectual safety in Sextus Empiricus, Máté Veres (Central European University, Hungary)

A trojan horse for philosophy: The case of Menemachus, Theofanis Tsiampokalos(University of Athens, Greece and at the University of Zurich, Switzerland)

15:55 – 16:15: Tea in rm. 349

16:15 – 17:15: SESSION 4

Philosophy in the Roman Empire, rm.243

Being a politician in philosophy: Seneca’s self-awareness and civic exhortation to spiritual research, Carlotta Montagna (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy)

Domitian’s Expulsion of philosophers: Philosophy and Aristocratic sociability, Clément Bady (Université de Nanterre-Paris 10 and Maison de l'Archéologie et de l'Ethnologie, France)

Religion and Philosophy, rm.246

The Pythagorean Hetaireiai, Caterina Pello (University of Cambridge)

Emperor Julian: A Neoplatonic defence of religious pluralism in 4th Century Rome, Kit Tempest-Walters (Royal Holloway, University of London)

17:15 – 18:00: Keynote address from Professor John Dillon (Trinity College Dublin) in rm. 349

18:00 – 19:00: Wine reception followed by conference dinner


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