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CALL. 29.02.2016: The metalworker and his tools: symbolism, function and technology in the Bronze an

The presence of metalworking tools in burials, hoards and sanctuaries, from the Bell Beaker period until the Iron Age, invites the question what link there was between the artisan and his tools, but also between the artisan and society. In these specific find contexts, tools not only provide technological evidence, but also acquire a specific symbolic value, as they form part of certain rituals. For example, in the Late Iron Age of Continental Europe these ritual aspects of artisanship relate to the profound upheavals in society that lead to the emergence of oppida. But tools are also technological items that answer to a specific need, and therefore should not to be separated from their function and from the technical purpose to which they are employed. The aim of this conference thus will be to gain a better understanding of the different roles of metalworking tools – in metal, stone, fired clay or organic material –, to comprehend their evolution from the beginning of metallurgy until the Iron Age, and to better understand the artisan’s place within society.



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: UISPP Scientific commission "Metal Ages in Europe"

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