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15th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy.‘Languages – Culture of Writing – Identitie

This edition of the congress will center on the relationship between the indigenous or local epigraphic cultures of the ancient Mediterranean area and the dominant respective Greek or Roman culture. The focus is on those regions and societies of the ancient world which have several languages and scripts existing simultaneously in their epigraphic culture.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28-29-30-31/08-01/09/2017

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Vienna ; Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien (Austria)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: The Department of Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy of the University of Vienna; the Institute for the Study of Ancient Culture – Division “Documenta Antiqua” of the Austrian Academy of Sciences; AIEGL

INFO: web -

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: disponible online / available online / disponibile online

- Normal (hasta el 31.03.2017) / Regular (until 31.03.2017) / Normale (fino al 31.03.2017): 110€

- Normal (desde el 01.04.2017) / Regular (from 01.04.2017) / Normale (dal 01.04.2017): 150€

- Estudiante (hasta el 31.03.2017) / Student (until 31.03.2017) / Studente (fino al 31.03.2017): 75€

- Estudiante (desde el 01.04.2017) / Student (from 01.04.2017) / Studente (dal 01.04.2017): 100€

- Expositor, Editor (hasta el 31.03.2017) / Exhibitor, Publisher (until 31.03.2017) / Espositore, Editore (fino al 31.03.2017): 110€

- Expositor, Editor (desde el 01.04.2017) / Exhibitor, Publisher (from 01.04.2017) / Espositore, Editore (dal 01.04.2017): 150€

- Acompañante / Accompanying Person / Accompagnatore: 50€

- Conferenciante inaugural, Conferenciante plenario, Moderador de sesión / Keynote Speaker, Plenary Speaker, Chair / Relatore ospite, Relatore plenario, Presidente di sessione: gratis / free / gratuito


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