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CENTRE for HELLENIC STUDIES, King's College London events in semester 2 - 18-26/01, 04-08-15/02,

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 18-26/01, 04-08-15/02, 01-15-16-21/03/2016


INFO: web



Monday 18 January 2016, 17.30

Theodore Stephanides, poet-translator extraordinary: his work (known and unknown) on Greek poets from Sappho to Palamas

Council Room (K2.29), King’s Building, Strand Campus

A seminar with Anthony Hirst (King’s College London), followed by a book launch.

Part of the Modern Greek Studies seminar series

Tuesday 26 January, 17.30-19.00

The Laskarids and the Seljuks: material cultural evidence for contact and exchange

SW1.09, Somerset House East Wing, Strand Campus

A seminar with Scott Redford (SOAS)

Part of the Late Antique & Byzantine seminar series

Thursday 4 February 2016, 18.00

The 25th Annual Runciman Lecture

Professor Lord Renfrew, ‘Who were the Greeks? New insights from Linguistics and Genetics’

Great Hall and Entrance Hall, King’s Building, Strand Campus

Followed by a Reception

Monday 8 February, 18.30 (Date changed from 1 February)

Hazardous operations: British SOE agents in Nazi-occupied Greece and the strain of clandestine warfare

Anatomy Lecture Theatre (K6.29), King’s Building, Strand Campus

A seminar with Roderick Bailey (Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, Oxford).

A joint event with the Society for Modern Greek Studies, followed by a reception in the Anatomy Museum

Part of the Modern Greek Studies seminar series

Tuesday 9 February, 17.30-19.00

‘The Shape of Water’: Rewriting virgin martyrs in Byzantium

SW1.09, Somerset House East Wing, Strand Campus

A seminar with Anne Alwis (University of Kent)

Part of the Late Antique & Byzantine seminar series

Monday 15 February, 17.30-19.00

Trust, faith and confidence in times of crisis

Council Room (K2.29), King’s Building, Strand Campus

A seminar with Maria Couroucli (CNRS, Paris)

Part of the Modern Greek Studies seminar series

Tuesday 1 March, 17.30-19.00

Four miniatures recently rediscovered: Christian Art in Muslim Anatolia and manuscript trade in 20th-century Europe

SW1.09, Somerset House East Wing, Strand Campus

A seminar with Ioanna Rapti (École pratique des Hautes Études, Paris)

Part of the Late Antique & Byzantine seminar series

Monday 7 March, 17.30-19.00

Attributing an identity to a language: the Greek case

Council Room (K2.29), King’s Building, Strand Campus

A seminar with Pietro Bortone (University of Oxford)

Part of the Modern Greek Studies seminar series

Tuesday 15 March, 17.30-19.00

Egyptian Bishops in the Twilight of Rome

SW1.09, Somerset House East Wing, Strand Campus

A seminar with Philip Booth (University of Oxford)

Part of the Late Antique & Byzantine seminar series

Wednesday 16 March 2016, 18.30-19.30

The Third Annual Rumble Fund Lecture: ‘Queering Classical Art’

Great Hall, King’s Building, Strand Campus

Whitney Davis (University of California, Berkeley), will explore modes of ‘queering’ ancient Greek art and will re-examine some standard interpretive modes in the aftermath of J. J. Winckelmann’s 1764 History of the Art of Antiquity.

Monday 21 March, 17.30-19.00

Ottoman diplomacy, humanist fiction and diplomatic poetics in the 18th-century Balkans

Council Room (K2.29), King’s Building, Strand Campus

A seminar with Miltos Pechlivanos (Freie-Universität, Berlin)

Part of the Modern Greek Studies seminar series and also part of the Greek-Turkish Encounters series, with SOAS


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