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CALL. 31.01.2016: Imitative Series and Clusters in Literature (Classical to Early Modern) - London/O



LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: (London and Oxford, England)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE:Colin Burrow, Stephen Harrison, Martin McLaughlin, Elisabetta Tarantino



This conference will be held in 2017 in either London or Oxford: preferably in the early autumn of that year, though this will only be finalized when we know the outcome of our funding applications. We are looking for 30-minute papers on previously unpublished material that discuss examples of imitative series and clusters from classical literature to roughly the end of the seventeenth century. By "imitative series" we mean what has also been defined as "two-tier allusion" or "window reference" (Nelis), i.e. when author C simultaneously imitates or alludes to a passage or text by author A and its imitation by author B; by "imitative cluster" we mean an instance in which author C simultaneously imitates or alludes to passages or texts that are already interconnected at the source in a formal or conceptual way: these passages will typically be by the same author, or they can be by two different authors and be connected in some way other than straightforward imitation. In short, if an "imitative series" may be represented as a line, an "imitative cluster" corresponds more to a triangle. (Examples of these practices are discussed in C. Burrow, "Virgils, from Dante to Milton", in The Cambridge Companion to Virgil and E. Tarantino, "Fulvae Harenae: The Reception of an Intertextual Complex in Dante's Inferno", Classical Receptions Journal 4.1.) If applicable, proposals should point out any political, philosophical or other issues that were being addressed via these allusions. We are particularly interested in instances of the imitation of the "Elysian fields" passage in Aeneid 6, but also welcome proposals dealing with a wide range of texts and national literatures - though for reasons of congruity we would limit the geographical scope to European literary traditions. We would also be very interested to hear of any instances of the theoretical discussion of these imitative practices up to c. 1700. Please send proposals of 100-200 words to by 31st January 2016, accompanied by the following: - a short text listing main academic affiliations to date (if any) and main publications (especially those relevant to this conference); - confirmation that your paper deals with previously unpublished material, and that you will send us your text for exclusive publication after the conference; - an indication of whether you would require financial support in respect of travel expenses and accommodation in order to attend this conference (we are hoping to be able to meet at least some of these costs, but we will not know until we hear about the outcome of our funding applications). Notification of inclusion in the conference will be sent by 15 February 2016. We look forward to receiving your proposals. The conference organizers: Colin Burrow, Stephen Harrison, Martin McLaughlin, Elisabetta Tarantino


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