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The 9th Cicero Awayday - 24/05/2016, Newcastle (England)

The Cicero Awaydays offer an informal forum for presenting papers (whether full-fledged ones or work in progress) on any aspect of Cicero’s life and works. The first five editions were held, at two-year intervals, in Scottish universities; after that, in Newcastle, London, and Glasgow. This year the day is again hosted by Classics at Newcastle University.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 24/05/2016


INFO: web -



10.45-11.15 Coffee

11.15-12.40 Session 1 Chair: Jaap Wisse (Newcastle)

11.15-11.20 Welcome

11.20-12.00 Ian Goh (Birkbeck): ‘Cicero’s Multifarious Laelius’

12.00-12.40 Tobias Reinhardt (Oxford): ‘Lucullus and Cicero on Memory’

12.40-1.40 Lunch

1.40-3.35 Session 2 Chair: Jill Harries (St Andrews)

1.40-2.20 Katherine East (Newcastle): ‘Of the Nature of the Gods: Translating Ciceronian Philosophy in Enlightenment England’

2.20-2.55 Rosa van Gool (Nijmegen): ‘“Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is no Vice”: (Pseudo-)Reception of Cicero in 20th century American politics’

2.55-3.35 Matthijs Wibier (Pavia): ‘iniuria and Cicero’s Pro Tullio’

3.35-4.00 Tea

4.00-5.20 Session 3 Chair:Federico Santangelo (Newcastle)

4.00-4.40 Gabriel Evangelou (Cyprus) A man worth dying for? Cicero’s amicitia with Pompey’

4.40-5.20 Dominic Berry (Edinburgh): ‘Clodius, Milo and the Battle of Bovillae’

5.20-5.30 Closing discussion

5.30-6.30 Drinks

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