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Cambridge Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy - 18-19/03/2016, Cambridge (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 18-19/03/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Vilius Bartninkas ; Chiara Blanco ; Alesia Preite ; Salla Raunio ; Alessio Santoro ; Cristóbal Zarzar

INFO: web - facebook -

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: registro online / registration online / registrazione online


Thursday 17th March

17:00 Reception at the Cast Gallery, Museum of Classical Archaeology

Friday 18th March, Room G. 21

09:00-09:30 Registration, Tea and Coffee

09:30-11:00 Keynote: Dr Barbara Sattler (University of St Andrews): “Origins in Plato’s Timaeus”

11:00-11:15 Tea Break

11:15-12:30 Claudio Barone (University of Palermo): “‘Cosmogonies’ in Metamorphoses.” Respondent: TBA

12:30-13:30 Lunch (provided)

13:30-14:45 Máté Veres (Central European University): “Keep calm and carry on: Sextus Empiricus on the origins of Pyrrhonism.” Respondent: TBA

14:45-15:00 Tea Break

15:00-16:15 Natalie Enright (University of Leeds): “The origin of psychic illness according to Plato’s Timaeus.” Respondent: TBA

16:15-17:30 Andrey Darovskikh (Central European University): “The power of Semen: Aristotle and some Galen’s fallacies.” Respondent: TBA

19:00 Conference Dinner

Saturday 19th March, Room G. 21

09:30-11:00 Keynote: Dr Shaul Tor (King’s College London): “Xenophanes’ rejection of theogony.”

11:00-11:15 Tea Break

11:15-12:30 Bram Demulder (University of Leuven): “Beginning or Beginnings? Plutarch on Platonic Cosmogony and Cosmic Cycles.” Respondent: TBA

12:30-13:30 Lunch (provided)

13:30-14:45 Bryan C. Reece (University of Toronto): “Aristotle on the Starting-Point of Motion.” Respondent: TBA

14:45-15:00 Tea Break

15:00-16:15 Jenny Messenger (University of St Andrews): “Extending the Golden Chain: Iamblichus’ Ancestors.” Respondent: TBA

16:15-17:30 Tommaso Longo (University of Milan): “Back to the origins of ethics: Archelaos on to dikaion.” Respondent: TBA

Program and abstracts are available here

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