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CALL. 01.03.2016: Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Workshop “Into new frames. De-contextualisation and






The workshop aims at exploring the phenomenon of de- and re-contextualisation of Ancient Greek works into new literary, cultural and social contexts. Especially in the archaic and classical period the genres of Ancient Greek literature were attached to one specific occasion and cultural context, but later re-framing and re-performance into new contexts were not rare. Particularly interesting is also the translation of contents into different media and new spatial settings, from text to image, or vice versa. The interdisciplinary workshop addresses PhD students and early career scholars in various fields, from Classical philology to linguistics and Classical archaeology. We will reflect on the mechanisms connected with de- and re- contextualisation from different perspectives. Suggested topics may include, but are not limited to: 1. “Beyond quotations”: the use and re-use of words, sentences and whole passages in new works - Which consequences are related to the re-use of words and passages in new textual frames? - How are texts quoted? - Which linguistic changes are connected with quotations? 2. “Re-performance in new contexts” - Which examples of re-performance in cultural and social contexts different form the original ones are attested? - Did these texts retain part of their original context? Did it produce a sense of alienation? - What kind of changes did the re-performance entail (linguistic changes, omissions, re-actualization strategies)? 3. “Multimediality”: translation to new media and loss of material context - Which consequences are related to the translation from a medium into a new one? - Which kind of changes must be achieved? - How much does it influence the perception? The form of the workshop has been chosen in order to achieve an interesting and fruitful discussion among participants. Every section will host three presentations of 20 minutes each, which will be followed by discussion. Please, submit abstracts (no more than 300 words; .pdf file) to the following address by March 1st, 2016. The language of the workshop is English; German papers may also be accepted. Funding includes one night in the guest house of the Humboldt Universität and a partial travel allowance. For further information, please contact Nina Ogrowsky (

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