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Comparing the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires. The Role of Local Elites and Populations - 30/06-01-02

The Ptolemaic and Seleucid empires are usually studied separately, or otherwise included in broader examinations of the Hellenistic World. The present conference proposes a more systematic comparison of the roles of local elites and local populations in the construction, negotiation, and adaptation of political, economic, military and ideological power of these states in formation. The two states, conceived as multi-ethnic empires, are sufficiently similar to make comparisons valid, while in the process of comparing them differences should become more salient and better explained. Regions that were successively incorporated in the Ptolemaic and then Seleucid states, especially Syria-Palestine, deserve particular attention, but can only be understood within a broader picture of the ruling strategies and functioning of both empires.

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 30/06-01-02/07/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Christelle Fischer-Bovet (University of Southern California); Sitta von Reden (University of Freiburg)

INFO: web -



Thursday, June 30, 2016

14-14.15: Introduction and welcome: Christelle Fischer-Bovet and Sitta von Reden

I. Communication and Exchange (Part I)

14.15-15.30: Rolf Strootman & Sitta von Reden: Myth, Ritual and Empire: Ptolemaic and Seleucid Royal Capitals Compared


16:00 -17:00: Ralf von den Hoff: The Visual Representation of Ptolemaic and Seleucid kings: Media and Messages

17.00-18.30: Benjamin Wieland & Boris Chrubasik: Kings and Civic Elites in the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empires

18:30 - 19.00: Response by Dorothy Thompson and discussion


Friday, July 1, 2016

II. Integration and Settlements

9.15-10.45: Gilles Gorre & Philippe Clancier: The Integration of Indigenous Élites and the Development of Poleis in the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires

11:15-12:45: Rachel Mairs & Christelle Fischer-Bovet: Reassessing Settlement Policies in the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empires


III. Communication and Exchange (Part II)

13.45 – 15.15: Stefan Pfeiffer & Hilmar Klinkott: Kings and Indigenous Priests in the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires/Die Priester und der König im Ptolemäer- und Seleukidenreich

15.45-17.15: Frédérique Duyrat & Andrew Meadows: Coinage, Communication and Exchange in the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires

17.15-18.15: Peter Eich: Kommunikation, Siedlungspolitik, Priestereliten: römische Perspektiven auf locale Eliten und Bevölkerungen


Saturday, July 2, 2016

IV. Collaboration and Resistance

9.15-10.45: Anne-Emmanuelle Veïsse & Sylvie Honigman: The Interplay between Dynastic Conflicts and Tensions within Local Elites in the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empire

11.15-12.45: Paul Kosmin & Ian Moyer: Imperial and Indigenous Temporalities in the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Dynasties


13.30-14.45: Boris Dreyer & François Gerardin: Urban Elites in Western Asia Minor during the Roman-Seleucid War in 191/0 BCE

14.45 – 16.00: Patrick Sänger & Ole Johansen: Ethnic conflicts in the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires

16.00- 16.30: John Ma: Conclusions and further Perspectives

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