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The Afterlife of Apuleius - 03-04/03/2016, London (England)

Organised by the Warburg Institute and the Institute of Classical Studies the two-day conference will investigate the legacy of Apuleius’ literary and rhetorical works, focusing on the Ancient and Early Modern period. Lectures will be delivered by internationally renowned specialists in the fields of Classics, Renaissance studies and Comparative Literature, and a specific workshop will be devoted to discussions about Apuleianism in Renaissance rhetoric.

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 03-04/03/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Raphaële Mouren (Warburg Institute); Greg Woolf (Institute of Classical Studies); Carole Boidin (Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense); Olivier Pedeflous (Paris)

INFO: web


Conference fees (for two days including lunch and refreshments)

Standard rate: £40.00 (Charge for a single day: £25.00)

Concessions: £25.00 (Charge for a single day: £12.50)



3 March 2016

10.00 Doors open and registration Coffee (Common Room)

10.30 Welcome speech and general introduction

New assessments on Apuleian diffusion

10.45 Robert Carver (Durham): The medieval Ass: Re-evaluating the reception of Apuleius in the high Middle Ages

11.30 Florence Bistagne (Avignon and Institut universitaire de France): Giovanni Pontano’s Asinus or the impossible dialogue

12.15 Andrew Laird (Brown and Warwick): The white goddess in Mexico: Apuleius’ Latin, Spanish, and Nahuatl legacy in New Spain

1.00 Lunch Break (Common Room)

Cupid and Psyche through time (1)

2.00 Julia Gaisser (Bryn Mawr): How to tell the story of Cupid and Psyche

2.45 Igor Candido (Freie Universität Berlin): Psyche’s textual journey from Apuleius to Boccaccio and Petrarch

3.30 Tea (Common Room)

4.00-5.30 : Workshop on Apuleianism in Renaissance Europe

Clementina Marsico (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Innsbruck): ‘He does not speak golden words: he brays'. Apuleius’ style and the humanistic lexicography at the time of Lorenzo Valla

Andrea Severi (Bologne): Philippus Beroaldus the Elder between grammatica and philosophia: the comment to Apuleius (1500)

Olivier Pédeflous (IRHT Paris): Apuleianism in early Renaissance Paris : a debate

Florence Bistagne: Respondent.

5.30 Reception (Common Room)

4 March 2016

10.00 Doors open and registration Coffee (Common Room)

The Golden ass and early modern fiction

10.30 Ahuvia Kahane (Royal Holloway London): Apuleius and the Canon

11.15 Françoise Lavocat (Sorbonne nouvelle Paris 3 and Institut universitaire de France): How to define fiction. Apuleius as a case model (XVI-XVIIth centuries)

12.00 Loreto Núñez (Lausanne): Apuleius’ Ass and Cervantes’ Dogs in Dialogue

12.45 Lunch Break (Common Room)

Cupid and Pyche through time (2)

Chair: Greg Woolf

1.45 Stephen Harrison (Oxford): An Apuleian Masque: Thomas Heywood's Love's Mistress (1638)

2.30 Regine May (Leeds): Cupid and Psyche and the Romantic Imagination (Tighe and Keats)

3.15 Tea (Common Room)

Desorienting Apuleius

3.30 Carole Boidin (Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense): The Ass goes East : Apuleius and Orientalism


4.14 – 4.45

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