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Water and Religious Life in the Roman and Late Antique Near East - 22-23/03/2015, Durham (England)

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 22-23/03/2015

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Departments of Classics and Ancient History, Archaeology, and Theology and Religion, Durham University



Tuesday 22nd March 2016: Institute of Advanced Study 6:30pm: Veronica Strang (Durham) - Hydrotheological Cycles: water serpent beings and religious spatio-temporalities 7:15pm: Drinks reception Wednesday 23rd March 2016: Department of Classics and Ancient History, Ritson Room 9:15am: Welcome and introduction 9:30am: Session One. Chair: James Corke-Webster (Durham) Stephen Humphreys (Durham) - Beyond Baptism: A Consideration of Christian Sacralisation of Water in the Near East Rick Bonnie (Helsinki) - Moving Beyond Homogeneity: On Jewish Experiences of Purification Rituals in Early Roman Galilee Ine Jacobs (Oxford) - Water on display in Late Antiquity? A survey of contexts, continuity and disruption 11:10am: Coffee 11:40am: Session Two. Chair: Rune Rattenborg (Durham) Allison Lee (Durham) - Water and the Ad-Deir Plateau: Resolving Issues of Reutilisation Julian Richard (Namur) - Urban oases or sacred pools? A few thoughts on the deeper meaning(s) of nymphaea in the Roman East Rubina Raja (Aarhus) - The Gardeners of the Upper Valley. The importance of water to urban (religious) life in Gerasa 1:20pm: Lunch 2:50pm: Session Three. Chair: Donald MacLennan (Durham) Eris Williams Reed (Durham) - Ecological approaches to religious continuity: pagans, Jews and Christians at Banias Dominic Dalglish (Oxford/British Museum) - Continuity as response: the significance of water between the god of Doliche and Jupiter Dolichenus Lucinda Dirven (Amsterdam) - Water, Fish and Rituals in Lucian's De Dea Syria. Continuity and Change of Mesopotamian Traditions 4:30pm: Coffee 5:00pm: Roundtable. Chair: Ted Kaizer (Durham) 5:30pm: Break 7:30pm: Dinner

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