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Gendering roman imperialism - 07-08/06/2016, London (England)

For more than fifty years the standard debates about Roman Imperialism remain written more or less entirely in terms of male agency, male competition, and male participation. Not only have women been marginizalized in these narratives as just so much collateral damage - victims, captives, abandoned wives and mothers - but there has been little engagement with gender history more widely. Discussions of more recent imperialisms and imperial societies are now quite different. Our aim is to spend two days exploring whether or not the Roman experience, both of Republican expansion and imperial rule, might be rewritten to take account of gendered roles and gendered experience.

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 07-08/06/2016




1 día / 1 day / 1 giorno

Normal / Standard / Normale £25

Estudiantes de postgrado-desempleados/ Postgraduate student-Unwaged / studente post-laurea-disocupatti £12.50

2 días / 2 days / 2 giorni

Normal / Standard / Normale £40

Estudiantes de postgrado-desempleados/ Postgraduate student-Unwaged / studenti post-laurea-disocupatti £25


Keynote Speakers: Emily Hemelrijk (Amsterdam) and Alison Keith (Toronto)

Commentators: Rebecca Flemming (Cambridge), Jonathan Prag (Oxford)

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