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CALL. 31.03.2016: Perception and Perceptual Appearances in Ancient Philosophy - Cambridge (England)




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Invited Academics Prof Luca Castagnoli (University of Oxford) Prof Victor Caston (University of Michigan) Prof Katja Maria Vogt (Columbia University) Dr James Warren (University of Cambridge) The British Postgraduate Philosophy Association (BPPA) Masterclass We are delighted to announce that the Faculty of Classics at the University of Cambridge will host one of the BPPA Masterclasses of 2016, which will be devoted to the topic of ‘Perception and Perceptual Appearances in Ancient Philosophy’. Call For Applications This Masterclass has three related aims: to explore some of the alternative theories of perception put forward in antiquity; to compare ancient and contemporary debates on perception; and to investigate whether ancient theories of perception may bring light to some points of contemporary discussions. We welcome papers focused on the phenomenon of perception and related topics in ancient philosophy: What is it that we perceive? How can the structure of the experience be explained? Why do we perceive objects instead of disjoint arrays of sensible qualities? What are the metaphysical underpinnings of the different models of perception in antiquity? What are the causal mechanisms of perception? What is the nature of appearances? How should we approach conflicts of appearances? What is the nature of perceptual content? How can we explain the intentional character of our perceptual experiences? What is the metaphysical status of sensible qualities? Are sensible properties intrinsic properties of ordinary objects? Does awareness of a given affection imply commitment to the veridicality of its content? What is the relation between perceptual experiences and the external world? Should we consider the senses as sources of knowledge? What is the role of perception as a basis for empirical knowledge? Application Guidelines We invite applications from graduate students and early career researchers (within three years of completion of their degree). To apply for presenting your work, please send the following documents (in ‘.doc’, ‘.docx’ or ‘.pdf’ format): 1. an anonymised abstract of up to 1,000 words (papers should be suitable for 20-30 min presentations). Please write ‘Abstract Submission’ in the subject line of your email. 2. a one-page cover letter with a brief description of your research and academic interests, explaining your motivation for applying to take part in this masterclass and how you hope to benefit from attending (please include your name, academic affiliation, and contact details). Deadlines: The documents should be sent to by Thursday 31st March. We especially encourage applications from underrepresented groups in academia. Applicants will be notified the outcomes of their applications by Friday 15th April; successful applicants will be asked to submit the final draft of their papers by Thursday 12th May. If you have any questions, feel free to submit them to the same email address. Reading texts assigned by the academics are to be read by participants beforehand. They will be provided as soon as they are available (date TBC). Funding information: Bursaries for participants (i.e. speakers) will be offered. Although we will make our best effort to secure funding to cover the expenses (i.e. catering & accommodation) of the participants, they are encouraged to apply for bursaries from their home institutions. Travel bursaries are TBC. Sponsors The 2016 BPPA Masterclass is made possible thanks to the generous financial support of the following institutions: • The British Society for the History of Philosophy, • The Mind Association, • The Analysis Trust, • The Classical Association, For more information please visit:

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