CALL. 20.04.2016: Opera in Fieri 2016 - Coimbra (Portugal)

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos; a Origem da Comédia.
Opera in Fieri 2016 organizing comitee invites all young researchers (Ma, Phd, Post-Doc) to submit a paper for participation, in one of the following areas:
— linguitics or literature;
— culture;
— history or archaeology;
— art;
— philosophy.
Submissions will be reviewed by a scientific cometee, that will decide (accept or reject) in accordance to the following criteria: relevance and scientific value.
We will not accept non-presential presentations.
Dinamic debate is the main structure of OiF. Each speaker presents their research outcomes followed by a space for discussion. Since this model of presentation does not look for outcomes, but for newer research guidelines, each presentation will work as a way to iniciate debate.
Each paper is a module. Each module is 90 minutes and operates as following:
— speaker: 40 minutes
— respondent: 20 minutes
— debate: 30 minutes
There will be a general moderator. The speaker is the author of the paper. The respondent is appointed by the organization, whose function is to underline the most important and controversial subjects, iniciating the debate.