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From Thucydides to Twitter: Towards a History of the Soundbite - 22-23/04/2016, London (England)

This conference aims to explore the nature and history of the ‘soundbite’ as a feature of political rhetoric and other forms of communication in the classical and modern worlds. It will bring together classical scholars, researchers in the fields of rhetoric, media and communication, and practising speechwriters, broadcasters and journalists, to explore the history of the phenomenon, compare its ancient and modern manifestations in theory and practice, and highlight its advantages and disadvantages in the context of public debate.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 22-23/04/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Centre for Oratory and Rhetoric; Classics Department at Royal Holloway; Institute of Classical Studies



tasa / fee / quota: £10 por día / per day / al giorno


DAY 1: SOUNDBITES IN ANCIENT GREECE AND ROME 9:30-10:00 Registration, Tea, and Coffee 10:00: Welcome and Introduction Panel 1 (Chair: Professor Lene Rubinstein, Classics, Royal Holloway, University of London) 10:15-10:45: Professor Joshua Katz (Classics, Princeton University) How the Sound got its Bite: An Ancient Perspective on a Modern Coinage 10:45-11:15: Professor Emeritus Peter Rhodes (Classics and Ancient History, University of Durham) Soundbites before Aristotle: Thucydides and Other Historians Coffee Break 11:30-12:00: Professor Asako Kurihara (Western History, School of Letters, Osaka University) Rich Country, Strong Army: New phases of old phrases in classical Athens and modern Japan 12:00-12:30 Professor Michael Edwards (History & Classics, University of Roehampton) Maxims in Greek Oratory and Rhetoric 12:30-13:00: Discussion 13:00-14:00: Lunch Panel 2 (Chair: Professor Gesine Manuwald, Greek and Latin, University College London) 14:00-14:30: Dr. Richard Hawley (Classics, Royal Holloway, University of London) Teaching by Soundbites: ancient Greek proverbial philosophy 14:30-15:00 Professor Catherine Steel (Classics, University of Glasgow) Soundbites from the Roman Republican Orators 15:00-15:30 Professor Bruce Gibson (History, Classics & Archaeology, University of Liverpool) The soundbite in the Latin literature of the Empire 15:30-16:00 Discussion Short Break FROM THE ANCIENT TO THE MODERN WORLD 16:15-16:45 Simon Lancaster (Bespoke Speeches Ltd.) Metaphor in contemporary soundbites 16:45-17:00 Discussion DAY 2: SOUNDBITES IN THE MODERN WORLD Panel 1 (Chair: Dr. Christos Kremmydas, Classics, Royal Holloway, University of London) 10:30-11:00 Professor Christian Kock (Rhetoric, Copenhagen University) Soundbites as Artful Dodging: how soundbites are used to avoid answering questions 11:00-11:30 Dr. Lisa S. Villadsen (Rhetoric, Copenhagen University) Soundbites that Bite Back: failed and unintended soundbites in modern politics 11:30-12:00 Professor Tom Clark (Writing and Communication, Victoria University, Melbourne) Soundbites in Australian politics 12:00-12:30: Discussion Lunch: 12:30 -14:00 Panel 2 (Chair: tbc) 14:00-14:30 Katerina Voussoura (Freelance journalist) Soundbites and the media: the challenge of manipulation as illustrated in the coverage of the Greek economic crisis 14:30- 15:00 Nigel Rees (Broadcaster) Soundbites and the Hand of History: British News Broadcasting since 1940 15:00-15:30 Brian Jenner (UK Speechwriters’ Guild) Soundbites and speechwriting 15:30-16:00: Discussion 16:00-17:00: Closing discussion 18:30- Conference Dinner

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