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CALL. 31.03.2016: Colloquium Bab El-Gasus in context: Egyptian Funerary Culture in the 21st Dynasty

125 years after the discovery and dispersion of the find of Bab el-Gasus, this Colloquium aims to discuss the most recent developments on the history of the find, archival research and reconstruction of the burial assemblages, technical advances in the examination of the documental sources and critical views on the history, chronology, religion, linguistics, iconography, prosopography and anthropology of the 21st Dynasty.

The colloquium is focused on the study of museums´ collections relating to Bab el-Gasus, namely on coffins, papyri and ushebtis, but contributions on Egyptian mortuary culture of the Twenty-first Dynasty, with an especial emphasis in the Theban area, are welcome as well. The colloquium is organized by the Gate of the Priests Project, the Center of Classical and Humanistic Studies of the University of Coimbra and the Center of History of the University of Lisbon.




Rogério Sousa – Center of Classical and Humanistic Studies (University of Coimbra)

Delfim Leão – Center of Classical and Humanistic Studies (University of Coimbra)

Nuno Simões Rodrigues – Center of History (University of Lisbon)

José Augusto Ramos – Center of History (University of Lisbon)



Please submit abstracts for papers to and

Abstracts should be no more than 200 words and should include the title of the presentation, names and affiliations of all authors and contact details of the author(s). The conference language will be English.

The main topics featured at the colloquium will include: - Bab el-Gasus and museums´ collections: Research, conservation and examination of the documental sources. - Archaeological sites: Bab el-Gasus and other funerary complexes in the 21st Dynasty; - Burial assemblages and funerary beliefs; - Funerary rituals: Images and texts of the Afterlife; - Funerary equipment and social status: Socioeconomic studies;

The contributions are expected to be published in the Gate of the Priests Series, by Brill.

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