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Finds from Roman York, Brigantia and Beyond- 01-02/04/2016, York (England)

FECHA /DATE/DATA: 01-02/04/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Department of Archaeology (University of York)



£40 for fully paid up RFG members

£30 for students

£48 non member

£25 day rate (students £20).


Day One : Friday 1st April 2016

12.30 Registration. Welcome tea/coffee

13.00 Welcome and Introduction, Prof John Schofield, Head of Department, Department of Archaeology, University of York.

Session One : Papers based on current research in the Department of Archaeology, University of York

Chair : Justine Bayley, Chairman, Roman Finds Group

13.05 Dr David Roberts, Department of Archaeology, University of York and Richard Henry, Finds Liaison Officer, Wiltshire. Recent research on the artefacts and landscape of an unusual late Roman temple site in Wiltshire.

13.35 Rachel Wood, Department of Archaeology, University of York. Putting the Crambeck Ware Industry into its Landscape Setting.

14.05 Steve Roskams, Senior Lecturer, Department of Archaeology, University of York. The Site at Hesling ton East, York: the challenges of integrating finds assemblages with stratigraphic, spatial and functional information.

14.35 Tea/Coffee – viewing of finds and posters.

Session Two : Papers based on finds from the Yorkshire Museum

Chair : Steve Roskams, Senior Lecturer, Department of Archaeology, University of York

15.15 Adam Parker, Assistant Curator of Archaeology, Yorkshire Museum. Roman Magic: The Eboracum case study.

15.45 Dr. Andy Woods, Curator of Numismatics Yorkshire Museum. Coins from Roman York in Context

16.15 Dr Stephen Greep. Roman Ivories from the York and Brigantia in their Romano-British setting.

Keynote presentation

16.45 Lindsey Davis. ‘Whither Falco?’

Reception and Private Viewing

18.00 - Wine/soft drink reception. Yorkshire Museum and Gallery tour with an introduction to the galleries by 19.00 Natalie McCaul, Curator of Archaeology, Yorkshire Museum.

20.00 Evening Social.

Day Two : Saturday April 2nd 2015

Session Three : Papers based on finds from York and the Yorkshire Museum

Chair : Natalie McCaul, Curator of Archaeology, Yorkshire Museum

09.30 Thomas J. Derrick, School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester. Containers and Culture: Perfume and medicine consumption in Roman North Yorkshire.

10.00 Mathew Fittock, Department of Archaeology, University of Reading. Pipeclay figures in the Yorkshire Museum.

10.30 Kurt Hunter-Mann, Post-excavation Researcher and Sandra Garside-Neville, Finds Researcher. The Driffield Terrace cemetery, York and the Ravenglass vicus, Cumbria : the finds and the interpretation of two sites excavated by the York Archaeological Trust.

11.00 Tea/Coffee. Annual General Meeting/ Tea/Coffee - viewing of finds for non RFG Members.

Session Four : Papers based on finds from Brigantia

Chair : Jenny Hall, Treasurer, Roman Finds Group

11.30 Barbara Birley, Curator, Vindolanda Trust. Scratching the surface; using artefact research to expand our understanding of Vindolanda .

12.00 Rebecca Griffiths, Finds Liaison Officer for North and East Yorks. 2015 in Yorkshire, Roman Finds from the Portable Antiquities Scheme.

12.30 Dr Sonia O’Connor, Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Bradford and Dr Stephen Greep. Perforated bone spoons: a peculiarly Brigantian Form.

13.00 Lunch

Session Five. Papers based on finds from Brigantia and beyond.

Chair : Stephen Greep, Meetings Co-ordinator, Roman Finds Group

14.15 Colin Wallace, consulting archaeologist. The Duchess of Northumberland: A Fire and A Fake Excavation: Tales from the Lives of the Bartlow Hills Roman Finds.

14.45 Prof Jennifer Price Emeritus Professor, Department of Archaeology, Durham University. Special treatment of some fourth-century glass tableware - the case of the Colliton Park bowl.

15.15 Dr David Petts, Lecturer, Department of Archaeology, University of Durham. Finds from Recent Excavations at Binchester Roman Fort.

15.45 Dr Philippa Walton, Research Fellow, University of Oxford. Cataloguing and analysis of the Roman 'votive' assemblage from Piercebridge, County Durham : An Update.

16.15 Justine Bayley, Chairman, Roman Finds Group. Summary and Closing remarks

16.30 End

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