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Women in Classics: Past, Present and Future- 11/04/2016, London (England)

FECHA /DATE/DATA: 11/04/2016


INFO: web



9.30 – Registration, coffee

10.15 – Welcome, house-keeping

10.30 – Short talk: Why are we here? (Liz Gloyn)

10.45 – Short talk: Women in Classics in the UK – The Numbers (Irene Salvo)

11.15 – Discussion Session

11.15-11.45 – Break-out discussion, panel 1: Women and postgrads, early career researchers and casualisation (chaired by Rhiannon Easterbrook)

11.15-11.45 – Break-out discussion, panel 2: Women, mental health, disability, and additional need issues (chaired by Susan Deacy)

11.45 – Discussion Session

11.45-12.15 – Break-out discussion, panel 3: Women and implicit bias (chaired by Efi Spentzou)

11.45-12.15 – Break-out discussion, panel 4: Women and parenthood/caring (chaired by Victoria Leonard)

12.15 – Whole-Group Discussion

12.30 – Lunch

1.30 – Spotlight Talks: A series of five-minute talks on current research taking a feminist and gender-informed perspective.

2.30 – Roundtable: What is feminist scholarship? (Participants will include Fiona Macintosh, Stella Sandford, Alison Sharrock and Susan Deacy)

3.30 – Tea and coffee

4.00 – Official meeting of the WCC

5.00 – Close

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