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16th Annual Joint Postgraduate Symposium on Ancient Drama: ‘Memory and Imagined Futures in the Theor

This annual Symposium focuses on the reception of Greek and Roman tragedy and comedy, exploring the afterlife of these ancient dramatic texts through re-workings by both writers and practitioners across all genres and periods. Speakers from a number of countries will give papers on the reception of Greek and Roman drama. This year’s guest respondent will be Stephe Harrop (Liverpool Hope University). Among those present at this year’s symposium will be Prof. Oliver Taplin and Prof. Fiona Macintosh (Oxford) and Dr. Laura Ginters (Sydney). The first day of the symposium will include a performance of William Zappa’s one-person version of the Iliad.

FECHA /DATE/DATA: 27-28/06/2016



APGRD (Archive of Performances of Greek & Roman Drama)

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