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Greek and Bilingual Inscriptions of Ptolemaic Egypt - 01-02/04/2016, Oxford (England)

This colloquium will present and discuss material selected from the 600 monumental inscriptions which form the subject-matter for the research project ‘Corpus of Ptolemaic Inscriptions’ at the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents in the Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford, and funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Its completion in the form of a book and an on-line collection will realise an ambition first conceived and initiated in 1955 by the late Peter Fraser. Topics covered will include the work of Peter Fraser on the epigraphy of Ptolemaic Egypt, the content of the Corpus, the presentation of the bilingual and the metrical inscriptions, palaeography and imaging technology, as well as social and cultural issues relevant to the content of the inscriptions.

FECHA /DATE/DATA: 01-02/04/2016


INFO: web -



Friday 1 April:

9.30 – 10.20: Alan Bowman, Introduction: The CPI project; Dorothy Thompson, Peter Fraser and the Epigraphy of Ptolemaic Egypt

10.20.-10.45: Coffee

10.45-11.30: Kyriakos Savvopoulos, The Content of the Corpus (overview with examples)

11.30-12.15: Rachel Mairs, The Bilingual Inscriptions: Egyptian Language Texts

12.15-1.00: Simon Hornblower, The Metrical Inscriptions

1.00-2.00: Lunch break

2.00-2.45: Christelle Fischer Bovet, Soldiers’ Dedicatory Inscriptions

2.45-3.30: Mario Paganini, Epigraphic Habits of Private Associations

3.30-4.15: Supratik Baralay, Hellenistic Sacred Dedications: The View from Egypt


4.30-5.15: Willy Clarysse, Inscriptions and Papyri: two worlds with some overlaps

5.15-5.45: (a) The E. Bernand Archive (François Kayser) (b) Some unpublished texts (CPI Team)

5.45-6.30 Reception

Saturday 2 April

9.30-10.15: Alan Bowman, Inscriptions of the Greek Cities

10.15-10.30: Coffee

10.30-11.15: Charles Crowther, the Dating of Ptolemaic Inscriptions

11.15-11.45: Jane Masseglia, Imaging inscriptions – the Kingston Lacy obelisk

11.45-12.30: Closing discussion

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