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What’s new in ancient Cyprus? New discoveries, new ideas - 16/04/2016, London (England)

This fascinating study day, featuring colleagues from the UK and Cyprus, is aimed at a non-specialist audience, but will also interest students and researchers working on the archaeology of Cyprus or indeed the broader Eastern Mediterranean world.

FECHA /DATE/DATA: 16/04/2016


INFO: web

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: £45, miembros/concessions/membri £35


09.30 Welcome 09.35–11.00 Session 1 Who killed the pygmy hippos? The early human settlement of Cyprus Joanne Clarke, University of East Anglia Fascinating figurines from the Cypriot Bronze Age Daisy Knox, University of Cambridge Questions 11.00–11.30 Refreshments (provided) 11.30–13.00 Session 2 Excavations and survey at Ayios Sozomenos: central Cyprus in the Late Bronze Age Despina Pilides, Department of Antiquities, Cyprus Excavating the built environment of the royal dynasty of ancient Paphos Stella Diakou and Maria Iacovou, Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus Questions 13.00–14.00 Lunch (not provided) 14.00–15.30 Session 3 Unlocking sacred landscapes: ancient Cypriot sanctuaries through time Giorgos Papantoniou, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn Re-excavating the British Museum excavations at Amathus, 1893–1894 Thomas Kiely, British Museum Amathus on the frontline: recent excavations of the Department of Antiquities (2007–2016) Yiannis Violaris, Department of Antiquities, Cyprus 15.30–16.00 Refreshments (provided) 16.00–17.30 Session 4 Becoming Christian: the destruction of pagan statuary in Late Antiquity Panayiotis Panayides, University of Durham Early Byzantine Cyprus: excavations at the imperial church complex at Kalalymata ton Plakoton (Akrotiri) Eleni Procopiou, Department of Antiquities, Cyprus Questions and final discussion

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