CALL. 30.04.2016: Eighth World Archaeological Congress - Kyoto (Japan)

On behalf of the Organising Committee of the Eighth World Archaeological Congress it is a great pleasure to invite colleagues from across the globe to come to Kyoto, Japan from the 28th of August to the 2nd of September 2016.
This is the first time that the main conference of WAC has been held in East Asia and we look forward to making it a truly successful and memorable congress. Doshisha University’s spacious campus at the centre of Kyoto, the capital for over a millennium until 1869 will be the main venue for WAC-8. We think Kyoto is one of the most appropriate cities to host a WAC conference.
We are planning a varied and engaging thematic programme complemented by a wide range of social events. You will also have the opportunity to experience Kyoto’s rich cultural and social life as well as sampling Japan’s outstanding archaeological heritage.
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Doshisha University, Imadegawa Campus (Kyoto, Japan)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE:TSUDE Hiroshi (Chair of WAC-8 Kyoto Local Organizing Committee); Science Council of Japan; Japanese Centre for South Asian Cultural Heritage
INFO: web - contact form
Anyone with a serious interest in discussing current issues in relation to archaeology, heritage, material culture or a related field is eligible to present a paper, a poster, or otherwise participate in a session at WAC-8. Acceptance of a proposed submission is contingent on review by the Scientific Committee. When possible, submissions should consider international or global perspectives in relation to the topic of the presentation, and meet the missions and values of WAC.
Paper presentations should be planned to be no longer than 15 minutes and may include PowerPoint illustrations. Each paper will be included in a session of related contributions. Please review the WAC-8 website to consult the accepted sessions and find information about the different types of sessions.
To propose an individual contribution, you will be asked for the following information in the WEB submission form.
1) Authors names, email addresses, and affiliations.
2) Type of individual contribution
– Options are: Paper presentation; Poster presentation; * Forum/Workshop/Debate participant * Only acceptable with permission of session chairs.
3) Submission details: Title and abstract
– Individual contribution abstracts should be a maximum of 100 words
4) Keywords
– You may list up to three keywords, separated by commas.
5) Theme
– Select the WAC-8 theme you think is appropriate for your individual contribution (up to two).
6) Name of session
– If you are submitting an individual contribution as part of an established session, please indicate the number and title of the session as listed on the website. If you are submitting an independent contribution, you should nominate a session that is appropriate for your paper or select the dropdown menu titled “Undecided” and the Scientific Committee will place your contribution into an appropriate session. We encourage participants to select a session rather than choosing ‘undecided’.
– If you need to make changes to your title or abstract, you will need to re-enter the details. Please check the check box and fill the unique number of the original submission into the Message column.
7) Remark/Message to the Program Committee
– Optional. You may provide any information you feel is relevant to the Program Committee.
We encourage all participants to be members of WAC. All WAC-8 participants must register for the Congress, which can be done on the WEB under the “Register as Participant”. Authors of approved individual contributions who do not register for WAC-8 as a participant by 1st July will have their contributions removed from the final program.
Some participants may be eligible to apply for financial support to attend the Congress. If interested, please review the guidelines for Travel Support. Please note that applications for travel support close on April 30th 2016.