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Mind, madness and melancholia: ideas and institutions in psychiatry from classical antiquity to the

This conference will entertain and educate, exploring mental health through the eyes of the ancient world, and taking a tour through history. It will include highlights by Professor Julian Hughes such as “If only the ancients had DSM 5, all would have been clear.”

Additionally, the well-known author of several books on the history of psychiatry, Professor Andrew Scull, Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Science Studies University of California, will be joining us from San Diego.

Professor Glen Most, Professor of Ancient Greek, Scuola Normale, Pisa, Italy and Professor at the Committee on Social Thought Chicago Univeristy is another notable speaker.

The aims and objectives for this meeting are to:

· Understand the way psychiatry was seen through the eyes of the Ancient, Arab and early modern world

· Understand the development of the specialty of Psychiatry in the context of prevailing culture

· Explore the history of ideas about mental illness and develop an awareness of our own position in the arc of the history of psychiatry

· Critically examine the current state and future of psychiatry and its institutions

This event is part of the "Psychiatry in dialogue with neuroscience medicine and society" series and is being held in associated with the Royal College of Psychiatrists History of Psychiatry Special Interest Group.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 10/05/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Psychiatry Section , History of Psychiatry Special Interest Group , Royal College of Psychiatrists

INFO: web



8.45 am

Registration, tea and coffee

9.10 am


9.15 am

Classical Greece and the Hellenistic world

Professor Glen Most, Professor of Ancient Greek, Scuola Normale, Pisa, Italy

10.00 am

Madness in ancient Rome: Law, literature and medicine

Professor Vivian Nutton Professor Emeritus of the History of Medicine, UCL

10.30 am

Question and answer session

10.45 am

Tea and coffee break

11.15 am

If only the ancients had DSM 5, all would have been clear

Professor Julian Hughes, Consultant Psychiatrist and Honorary Professor of Ageing, Newcastle University

12.00 pm

Ideas and institutions in the golden era of Arab medicine

Professor Peter Pormann, Professor of Graeco-Arabic studies, University of Manchester

12.45 pm


1.45 pm

History of madness during the Renaissance and Early Modern era: Is it relevant for the 21st century?

Professor Andrew Scull, Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Science Studies, University of California, San Diego, USA

2.30 pm

Kathleen Jones’ “Asylums and After”: A neglected masterpiece on the history of psychiatry?

Professor George Ikkos, Honorary Archivist, Royal College of Psychiatrists, London

3.00 pm

Question and answer session

3.15 pm

Tea and coffee break

Session 4

Dr Fiona Subotsky, Co chair, HoPSIG

3.45 pm

De-institutionalisation and community psychiatry in the UK since 1960: Right and wrong?

Professor Tom Burns, Chair of Social Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford

4.15 pm

A sustainable future for psychiatry?

Dr Daniel Maughan, Sustainability Fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists and University of Oxford

4.45 pm

Question and answer session

5.00 pm

Closing remarks and completion of evaluation forms

5.05 pm

Psychiatry Section Annual General Meeting

7.00 pm

Drinks reception

7.30 pm

Psychiatry Section annual dinner (Pre-registration is required)

What does the future hold for psychiatry in the NHS? Dr Geraldine Strathdee, Clinical Director for Mental Health, NHS England

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