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Ecstatic Ancient/Archaic Thought and Analytical Psychology: An Inquiry - 15-16/07/2016, London (Engl

In 2014 at a conference at the University of Leuven organized by the Faculty of Arts entitled “Psychology and the Classics: A Dialogue of Disciplines,” speakers presented papers arguing that ancient thinkers, especially among the Greeks and Romans, recognized a human interior that likely pointed to an understanding of the unconscious among the ancients, although that understanding was articulated in ways unfamiliar to modern psychology. This point of view conventionally runs counter to many contemporary assumptions about ancient thought based on the notion that knowledge of an interior world and and unconscious is based on a specific way of articulating that knowledge.

In the course of examining this question presentations attempted to bring ancient texts and ideas into conformity with 21st Century psychology, arguing, for example, that the ideas of the Stoics regarding mental health correlate with contemporary ideas about cognitive behavioral therapy (Christopher Gill, University of Exeter).

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 15-16/07/2016

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Freud Museum (London, England)


INFO: web -



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