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Literary and Cultural Interactions in the Roman Empire: 96-235 - 13-14/06/2016, Exeter (Engand)

This conference will be the fourth in a series stemming from the Literary Interactions under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian project.

This fourth conference aims to build on the third’s widening scope, by inviting further discussion of interactions that cross linguistic, cultural and religious boundaries; it will also continue to look behind and beyond purely textual interactions, to scrutinise the interactive dynamics between literary, social and cultural spheres of activity. Its extended chronological scope will enable analysis of diachronic as well as synchronic trends.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 13-14/06/2016


INFO: web -



Monday 13th June

9.30 Registration and Welcome

10.00-10.45 Tom Geue (St Andrews)

Il y’a un hors-texte: Suetonius as Unauthorised Biographer

10.45-11.30 Timothy Phin (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)

The Praeceptor's Persona: Precepts and Performance in Plutarch, Quintilian, and Suetonius

12.00-12.45 Alice König (St Andrews)

Tactical Interactions: Dialogues between Greece and Rome in the military manuals of Frontinus, Aelianus Tacticus and Arrian

2.45-3.30 James Uden (Boston University)

From Juvenal to Justin: Roman Satire and Early Christian Apology

4.00-4.45 Laura Nasrallah (Harvard University)

Direct Address and the Formation of an Archive: Early Christianity in the Second Century

4.45-5.30 Teresa Morgan (Oriel College, Oxford)

Theology, ethics, and community formation in the early Roman empire.

Tuesday 14th June

9.00-9.45 J. Albert Harrill (Ohio State University)

The influence of Roman architectural thinking on early Christian literature: the case of Ephesians

9.45-10.30 Chris Siwicki (University of Exeter)

Interacting with Buildings: The Language of Architectural Criticism in the Late First and Second Centuries AD

11.00-11.45 Johannes Haubold (Durham University)

Babylonian literature in the High Roman Empire: survival, revival or illusion?

11.45-12.30 Steven D. Smith (Hofstra University)

Gilgamos in Rome: Aelian NA 12.21

2.00-2.45 Alexei V Zadorojnyi (University of Liverpool)

Competition and Competitiveness in Pollux

2.45-3.30 Antti Lampinen, (St Andrews)

‘Ethnographicising’ Argumentation in Second-Century Rhetoric and other Registers

3.30-4.30 Tea and concluding discussion

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