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CALL. 1.05.2016: ALSCW Annual Conference. Panel "Achilles in the Greco-Roman world" - Wash



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: The Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers

INFO: web - call -


Since Achilles is the protagonist of the ancient world’s dominant epic, his influential role in the Greco-Roman tradition comes as no surprise. What does surprise is the variety of his instantiations. This seminar will consider the Achilles tradition in diverse ancient eras and contexts. Starting points might include (but are not limited to): epinician Achilles; Achilles and pederasty; Achilles as son and father; Achilles in Latin elegy; iconography of the hero.

ALSCW seminars generally have 6-8 participants, who exchange drafts of their papers a few weeks in advance. At the conference each participant gives a 5-7 minute summary of his or her paper, followed by 30 minutes of discussion among the presenters, followed by another 20-30 minutes of general discussion open to the audience.

Confirmed speakers include Sarah Ferrario, The Catholic University of America; Justina Gregory, Smith College; Charles McNelis, Georgetown University; and Deborah Steiner, Columbia University.

All participants must be current members of the ALSCW. The 2016 introductory membership rate for new members, graduate students, and retirees is $50. Renewals are $100

Please send abstracts (in English) of approximately 300 words together with a c.v. to Ernest Suarez ( on or before May 1, 2016.

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