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CALL. 23.05.2016: Married to the Military. Soldiers’ Families in the Ancient World and Beyond - Lond



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Department of Classical Studies at The Open University


In societies where the threat of armed conflict was an ever-present element of the political and social experience, the impact of war was acutely felt by the immediate families of those whose role it was to train for and engage in combat. This conference aims to explore the roles and experiences of military families (defined here as the nuclear family of soldier, partner and children) in the ancient world and to situate these within the wider context of the history of such families. We therefore welcome offers of papers on any aspect of military families in the ancient world as well as comparative studies which consider more recent historical contexts. Possible themes for discussion might include: - social status and identity of soldiers’ partners and children - legal status and security for soldiers’ partners and children - raising children in a military household or with an ‘absent father’ - experiences of separation, reunion and readjustment - relationships between military families and the army - dealing with bereavement and physical or psychological trauma - military education of children/the role of military children in recruitment Confirmed speakers include: Prof. Edith Hall (King’s College London) Prof. Penelope Allison (University of Leicester) Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words to Ursula Rothe ( or Emma Bridges ( by Monday 23rd May.

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