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CALL. 01.06.2016: 2016 Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature: Repetition in Ancient






We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting submissions for this year’s Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature (AMPAL), which will take place at the Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford, on 20 and 21 September 2016.

We are also pleased to announce that our keynote speaker for the event will be Professor Gregory Hutchinson, Regius Professor of Greek at the University of Oxford.

The Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature (AMPAL) is the largest postgraduate conference in classical literature in the UK and attracts speakers from all over the world. Its aim is to provide an opportunity to postgraduate students in classics to present their work, receive feedback and interact with other members of the classics community in a friendly, encouraging and supportive environment. In the past, papers have been published both as special issues of journals and as collected volumes in book format. ​

The theme for this year’s conference is ‘Repetition in Ancient Literature’.

Repetition is a multiform phenomenon that permeates nature, human life and art, while also playing an important role in various disciplines. It can be seen as a positive concept as well as a negative one, resulting in stasis, tediousness and boredom. The aim of this year’s conference is to explore the various ways that repetition is employed in Greek and Latin languages and literature and to examine how it is conceptualised in ancient thought.

Suggested topics:

* Forms and functions of repetition in Greek and Latin literature

* Narratology and form – Structure of texts

* Originality – Imitation – Intertextuality – Reception

* Communication – Dialogue – Humour

* Construction of characters in literature (e.g. repetitive actions, idiosyncratic phrases)

* Repetition in historiographic, philosophical, musical and scientific texts

* Ancient education and learning

* Reading and re-reading

* Memory – Nostalgia

* Conception of daily life – Reality – Habits – Boredom

Abstracts of no more than 300 words for 15–20-minute papers should be submitted to no later than 10 May 2016. Suggestions for coordinated panels consisting of three papers are welcome, and should be presented in a single file with all abstracts and an extra 100-word statement outlining the panel's unity and relevance to the central theme of repetition.

We intend to assess abstracts anonymously. In order to do so, please send the abstracts as PDF files with no identifying information in the file content or file name. Please include name, degree currently under study, institution and the title of the talk in the body of the email.

We look forward to hearing from you and please do not hesitate to contact us at with any questions.

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