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CALL.15.05.2016: Classical Philology goes digital. Working on textual phenomena of ancient texts - P



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr. Karen Blaschka, Klassische Philologie, (Universität Potsdam), Dr. Monica Berti (Universität Leipzig)

INFO: call - web -


The presentations will be given in German or English, as well as the discussions. Addressing this specific interest in textual philology, the searched projects should deal with certain types of textual elements that have a more or less fixed structure, e.g. figurative language, quotations or special terms. The purpose should be to analyze texts focusing on these forms and to annotate and align passages. The discussions, therefore, will address how to extract and annotate data, i.e. how to work with them in a digital environment. The Classical Philology department at the University of Potsdam is very well equipped for this kind of joint project.

The presentations should not exceed 15 minutes. As the focus of the workshop is on the following discussion, 30 minutes are scheduled for collaborative exchange after each lecture. Contributions should be submitted by May 15th, 2016, in the form of a short abstract (max. 300 words) along with a brief biography. Digital Humanists are also invited to submit further proposals for lectures in the DH section, which should not exceed 30 minutes in length. The workshop will take place at the University of Potsdam from February 16th to 17th 2017.

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