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CALL. 15.06.2016: The exploitation of maritime resources in antiquity : productive activities and or



LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Antibes; Mougines (France)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Frédéric Gayet, Ricardo González Villaescusa, Katia Schörle, FrançoisRechin

INFO: web


The aim of the colloquium is to seek a better understanding of the exploitation (i.e. the production and its processing methods) of coastal environments from the Mediterranean to more northern coasts (Ocean, English Channel, North Sea) understood as an interface between the land and the sea,1 and the role of production, circulation and maritime trade for settlements and territorial organisation. The land and the sea form two natural spaces with different qualities and discontinuous bioecological systems, yet they create the hybrid environment of coastal territories: human settlements and activities in coastal lands both reflect and profit from this situation. We will therefore pay special attention to the spatial organisation and developments of habitat, dams, salt meadows, crops, salt marshes, and the interactions between the exploitation of maritime resources and agrarian ones, highlighting the close links between agriculture and fishing or farming for example. Particular attention will also be paid to the distinction between amphibious land (benefiting from two elements: marshes, lakes and lagoons coastal and rivers, meadows flooded by the sea...) and mixed soils (of which communities take ownership of aquatic and terrestrial) that integrate fisheries operating systems, agricultural and pastoral. It is therefore the forms of ownership and territorial control developed by the coastal communities that is of interest to us. All Gallic coasts will be examined and discussed in the AGER sessions; communications with a more Mediterranean dimension and bringing in useful comparisons will be considered for the Antibes sessions.

The preferred timeframe will be that of the second century BC until the fourth century AD, though communications bringing into perspective trends beginning in the previous period or persisting into the following will also be considered. Taking into account the diachronic tradition of the Antibes symposium, papers beyond these periods may be accepted if they bring a unique perspective to the theme proposed by the conference.

Therefore it seems more interesting to us to understand the issue in terms of "maritime dimension", understood as the variety of ways to control, harvest and exploit the sea from the point of view of productive activities, and excluding commerce and trade used simply as indicators of production.

To do this, we will discuss maritime territories as a spatial system, how the primary relationship with the sea is a key factor for the formation or understanding of territories, how the network of places is built and experienced, and finally how referentials are represented by multiple levels of interaction and comply with a complex system of spatial relationships related to the exploitation of maritime resources. The aim is equally to examine the criteria which ancient societies thought met their economic and territorial needs in the configuration of their maritime territories.

As a broad indication, the following topics will be considered:

Session 1: Facilities and productions

• Structures related to the processing of sea resources

• Maritime resources (distribution, production and processing) : species, habitats, migration

• Tools and techniques: fishing, coral harvesting…

• Aquaculture and fishponds

• The processing, storage and conservation of sea-related products: fish-salting, purple dyeing, etc

• The production and processing of salt.

Session 2: The Dynamics of coastal settlement

• Environmental conditions and variables as factors of installation and exploitation.

• Site distributions and hierarchies along the coastline (sites, fishponds area, temporary fishing installations or ports and market distribution …).

• Relations between the coastal sites and the rural hinterland economy.

• Methods and theories: experimental archaeology, sedimentological studies for the identification of salt marshes.

Session 3: The Coastal Landscapes

• Representations of the sea and coastlines; the iconography of marine species.

• Maritime landscapes or "seascapes" : harbours communities involved in maritime exploitative activities.

• Interactions between those exploiting marine resources and those exploiting the land highlighting links between agriculture and fishing or farming.

Scientific comittee

Bernal-Casasola, Darío (Universidad de Cádiz) Botte, Emmanuel (CNRS-Centre Camille Jullian)

Delaval, Eric (Musée Archéologique d’Antibes) Deru, Xavier (Université de Lille III - UMR 8164 HALMA)

Gayet, Frédéric (UNS-UMR 7264 CEPAM)

García Vargas, Enrique (Universidad de Sevilla) González Villaescusa, Ricardo (UNS-UMR 7264 CEPAM) Lafon, Xavier (Université d’Aix-Marseille) Leveau, Philippe (Université d’Aix-Marseille) Rechin, François (Université de Pau et du pays de l’Adour)

Schörle, Katia (UNS-UMR 7264 CEPAM) Trément, Frédéric (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand)

Organising committee

Gayet, Frédéric González Villaescusa, Ricardo

Schörle, Katia

Rechin, François

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