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Divine (In)Justice in Antiquity and the Middle Ages - 04/11/2016, Sheffield (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 04/11/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Charlotte Steenbrugge (University of Sheffield)




9-9h30 Registration & coffee (HRI, Meeting Room)

9h30-11h Divine justice and the city (HRI, Conference Room)

Chair: Alyx Mattison (Sheffield)

  • Paul McMullen (Cambridge): Theology and Polemic: Contested Narratives of Divine Justice in the Trial of Andocides

  • David Napolitano (Cambridge): From Divine to Human Justice and Back: Legitimating, Educating, and Controlling the City Magistrate in Thirteenth-Century Italy

  • Lidia Zanetti Domingues (Oxford): Inflexible Justice, Mercy, and Legitimation: the oblatio in Siena in the Second Half of the Thirteenth Century

9h30-11h Excessive cruelty, excessive leniency (9 Mappin Street G12)

Chair: Graham Williams (Sheffield)

  • Meredith Warren (Sheffield): Abraham, Take the Wheel! Human and Divine Justice in the Testament of Abraham

  • Tamás Karáth (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest): God’s Friends and Fools: Speculations on Judgment and Mercy in the Fifteenth-Century Translations of Richard Rolle’s writings

  • Sebastian Kleinschmidt (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg): Excessive Cruelty in Purgatorial Torture: Transcending God’s Justice in Middle English Visions of the Afterlife

Coffee break (HRI, Meeting Room)

11h30-13h Divine politics (HRI, Conference Room)

Chair: Daniele Miano (Sheffield)

  • Amit Shilo (UC Santa Barbara): Competing Divine Justices: Polytheism and Political Violence in Greek Tragedy

  • Fabio Guidetti (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin): ‘An accusation against the gods’: Sulla’s Felicitas as the Negation of Divine Justice

  • Alan V. Murray (Leeds): ‘… With Vengeful Severity unto the Third and Fourth Generations’: Galbert of Bruges and the Problem of Divine Justice in the Aftermath of the Murder of Count Charles of Flanders (1127)

11h30-13h (Ir)rational divine justice (Hicks Building, K14)

Chair: Dirk Rohmann (Sheffield)

  • Elsa Giovanna Simonetti (Independent): Divine Justice in Plutarch’s Delphic Dialogues

  • Haroon Bashir (Leeds): Ash’arites, Mu’tazilites and the Search for Divine Justice: A Medieval Debate Revived

  • Philippa Byrne (Oxford): The Boundaries and the Balancing Act: Divine Justice in Thirteenth-Century Sermons

Lunch & performance (Drama Studio)

14h30-15h30 Plenary (HRI, Conference Room)

Chair: Dr Julia Hillner (Sheffield)

Professor Tim Whitmarsh (University of Cambridge): The Problem of Injustice in Greek (A)theology

Coffee break (HRI, Meeting Room)

16h-17h30 Humanity’s responsibility (HRI, Conference Room)

Chair: Helen Newsome (Sheffield)

  • James Ford (Liverpool): Punishing Atheism: Expunging Doubts about the (In)Justice of the Gods

  • Giulia Fiore (Bologna): ‘The yoke of ἀνάγκη’: the Justice of Zeus in Aeschylus’ Agamemnon

  • Pietro Delcorno (Leeds): The Scale, the Spear, and the Cloak: Divine Justice in the Bolognese Religious Theatre

16h-17h30 Weighing divine judgment and retribution (Jessop Building 116)

Chair: Meredith Warren (Sheffield)

  • Nina Victoria Gschwind (LMU Munich): Job 9:22-24 and God’s (In-)Justice

  • Emma Stafford (Leeds): Nemesis: Indignation, Retribution and the Implementation of Divine Justice

  • Aleksandra Krauze-Kołodziej (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin): ‘And they will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ (Mt 13, 42). The Representation of Divine Justice in Latin and Byzantine Iconography of the Last Judgment

17h40-18h30 Respondent (HRI, Conference Room)

Chair: Charles West (Sheffield)

Professor John Arnold (Birkbeck, University of London)

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