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The Politics of Form in Greek Culture – 17/06/2016, London (England)

The conference seeks to explore the relationship between form and political life in Greek textual and visual culture. The general problem of form and politics has been extensively studied by thinkers, from Georg Lukács to Theodor Adorno, from Cleanth Brooks to Jacques Rancière. Within classical studies, in particular, scholars have often sought to historicize aesthetic practices and the development of genres (e.g. epic poetry, lyric poetry, historiography, tragedy). But historicism has been only one mode of approaching the question of form, and classical scholars have also related the formal to a number of other issues (e.g. gender). In bringing together a range of experts, the conference attempts to develop these and related approaches further, to to assess their limitations, and to discuss possibilities for the future. Papers will sketch out the specifically Greek contribution to the debate, as also the implications for other disciplines. We hope that what emerges from the conference are new ways of thinking about form and indeed about politics

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 17/06/2016


INFO: web -

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: No se requiere inscripción /No registration required/ Nessuna registrazione richiesta


10.45 am Introduction 11 am “The imitation of action and the agency of form in Euripides’ Iphigeneia at Aulis” Victoria Wohl (Toronto) Noon "Tragic Viewing and the Body of the Plot in Aristotle's Poetics” Nancy Worman (Barnard/Columbia) 1 - 2.30 Lunch 2.30 pm "Philosophy and the Plethos: how 'democratic' were Aristotle's lost exoteric dialogues?” Edith Hall (King’s College London) 3.30 pm "The sexual politics of prose" Tim Whitmarsh (Cambridge) 4.30 - 5 pm Tea 5 pm "Ekphrasis: objects, actions and the politics of description” Ruth Webb (Lille) 6 pm Response and discussion William Fitzgerald (King’s College London) 6.45 pm Reception

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