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Voices on late Latin poetry. European scholarship in context - 16/09/2016, Oxford (England)

The study day aims at giving a survey on European scholarship on late Latin poetry. It features six papers, each on the scholarship tradition of one language (French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch) or region (Central European). The speakers will present the most important scholars of their language/region, past and present, and situate them in the context of Classics as a discipline as well as explore the educational, historical and social roots from which the individual research traditions have emerged.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 16/09/2016


INFO: web -




9.00am PD Dr Petra Schierl (Universität Basel):

Scholarship on late Latin poetry in German

9.45am Professor Franca Ela Consolino (Università degli Studi dell’Aquila):

Trends of Italian research on late Latin poetry

10.30am Break

11.00am Dr Annick Stoehr-Monjou (Université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand):

Jacques Fontaine and his influence on French scholarship on late Latin poetry

11.45am Dr David Paniagua (Universidad de Salamanca):

Late Latin poetry: the Spanish perspective

12.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Dr Joop van Waarden (Universiteit van Amsterdam):

The aftermath of World War II in Dutch scholarship on late Latin poetry

2.15pm Dr David Movrin (Univerza v Ljubljani):

Late Latin poetry, communism and the church in Central Europe (tbc)

3.00pm Concluding discussion

3.30pm Coffee/Tea

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