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Sicily: heritage of the world - 24-25/06/2016, London (England)

This two-day conference accompanies the exhibition Sicily: culture and conquest.

It will focus on two periods of enlightenment that stand out in Sicily’s history – Greek settlement from the 8th to 3rd centuries BC, and Norman rule in the 11th and 12th centuries AD. There will be papers on recent research, new excavations, and the economy and architecture of the island, as well as highlighting the importance of the island’s UNESCO sites.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 24-25/06/2016


INFO: web

Tarifa normal / regular fee / tariffa normale: 50€

Miembros o tarifa reducida / members or concessions / membri e tariffa ridotta: 35€


Friday 24 June – Ancient Sicily

NB: The papers in italics will be presented in Italian, with an English translation available.

09.30 Registration

10.00 Constructing cultures: re-evaluating the creation of cities and houses in Archaic and Classical Sicily Matthew Fitzjohn, University of Liverpool

10.30 Monte Iato: the Archaic settlement as cultural contact zone Birgit Öhlinger, University of Innsbruck, Institut für Archäologien – Klassische Archäologie

11.00 Greek Sicily: a world apart? Franco de Angelis, University of British Columbia

11.30 Break for refreshments

12.00 Colonial encounters in ancient Sicily Francesca Spatafora, Museo Archeologico Regionale Antonino Salinas, Palermo

12.30 A toreutic workshop between east and west: recent thoughts on the gold objects from Sant'Angelo Muxaro Gioconda Lamagna, Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi, Siracusa, and Dario Palermo, University of Catania

13.00 Lunch (not included)

14.00 Cultural connections between east and west: the sculpture from Selinunte and its surroundings Caterina Greco, Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Agrigento

14.30 Theories and dilemmas in conserving the warrior from Agrigento Tommaso Guagliardo and Donatella Mangione, Museo Archeologico Regionale Pietro Griffo, Agrigento, and Lorella Pellegrino, Centro del Restauro, Palermo

15.00 The Chatsworth House connection – a marble leg from Agrigento Peter Higgs, British Museum

15.30 Break for refreshments

16.00 External influences and local reinterpretation in the production of terracottas on Sicily between the 5 th and 4 th centuries B.C. A case study: the head of Hades from Morgantina Maria Lucia Ferruzza, Assessorato dei Beni culturali e dell'Identità Siciliana

16.30 Philippianus, a late Roman villa owner and his country estate: recent excavations at Gerace Roger Wilson, Centre for the Study of Ancient Sicily at the University of British Columbia

17.00 End

18.30 Keynote Lecture (BP Lecture Theatre) Sicily: a force to be reckoned with in the ancient world Michael Scott, University of Warwick

Saturday 25 June – Norman Sicily

09.30 The Norman Conquest: 'a land without Crusaders?' John Aspinwall, Lancaster University

10.00 The language situation in the Arab-Norman period Alex Metcalfe, Lancaster University

10.30 Sicily in transition: the archaeological consequences of regime change: Byzantine, Aghlabid, Fatimid, Norman Martin Carver, University of York, and Alessandra Molinari, University of Rome, Tor Vergata

11.00 Break for refreshments

11.30 Recent research on the early occupation and first Norman settlement of the Palace site Ruggero Longo, independent scholar

12.00 The fate of the trilingual chancery under Henry VI, Constance and Frederick II Jeremy Johns, University of Oxford and Khalili Research Centre for the Art and Material Culture of the Middle East

12.30 The Norman connection to Mamluk architecture revisited Doris Behrens-Abouseif, SOAS, University of London

13.00 Lunch (not included)

14.00 The royal tombs in Palermo Cathedral: Norman-Hohenstaufen conceptions and later misconceptions Valeria Sola, Galleria Interdisciplinare Regionale della Sicilia di Palazzo Abatellis

14.30 Gothic revival architecture and decoration in Palermo in the 19th century Pierfrancesco Palazzotto, University of Palermo and Museo Diocesano di Palermo

15.00 Norman revival or Orientalism? Maurizia Onori, SOAS, University of London

15.30 Break for refreshments

16.00 Lecture The Islamic influence in medieval Sicily’s gardens and orchards Giuseppe Barbera, University of Palermo

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