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2017 Classical Association Annual Conference - 26-27-28-29/04/ 2017, Canterbury (England)

The Department of Classical Studies at the Open University and the Department of Classical & Archaeological Studies at the University of Kent look forward to jointly hosting the 2017 Classical Association Conference from 26-29 April 2017, in the University of Kent, Canterbury (UK). Conference themes will be:

  • Livy’s Bimillennium

  • Classics in the Contemporary World

  • Classical Archaeology as Heritage

  • Experiencing the Body

  • Everyday Life

  • Acquiring and Structuring Knowledge

  • Late Antiquity and Byzantium

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 26-27-28-29/04/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: The Department of Classical Studies (The Open University); the Department of Classical & Archaeological Studies (University of Kent).

INFO: web -


The fees below include registration & access to papers, tea and coffee breaks, receptions and lunches. During the registration process, delegates will have the option of booking on-site accommodation, evening meals and an excursion.

Waged Full conference fee: £300

Unwaged Full conference fee: £280

Waged conference fee for daily delegates:

Wednesday £60

Thursday £90

Friday £90

Saturday £90

Unwaged conference fee for daily delegates:

Wednesday £50

Thursday £80

Friday £80

Saturday £80


On-site en-suite single bed and breakfast £42.95 (limited so advise early booking)

Cafeteria Dinner £10.45 (option to book Wednesday & Thursday)

Association Dinner £36.85 (Friday)

Excursions (Thursday afternoon)

Guided tour of Canterbury £7

Richborough Saxon Shore Fort £15

Guided tour of Canterbury Cathedral Archives £21.50 adult / £20.50 students, aged 18-25

Bookings will open on Monday 16 January 2017 and all bookings received after Tuesday 28 February 2017 will be subject to a £50 late charge and may not be refunded. We recommend booking your place as soon as possible not least because on-campus accommodation and places on the excursions are limited and will be allocated strictly on a first-come, first-served basis. accepted. Refunds will not normally be possible for cancellations after Tuesday 28 February 2017.

For all payment, accommodation and registration queries, please contact Sheena Butterworth ( For all conference queries, please contact the Conference Team at

PROGRAMA/PROGRAM/PROGRAMMA: Disponible también en PDF/Also available in PDF/Anche disponibile in PDF

In addition to the 45 academic panels and round table sessions the Presidential Address What’s in a Myth? will be given by Professor Bob Fowler. There will be two plenary sessions by Professor Ineke Sluiter (Leiden University): Anchoring Innovation: A Classical Research Agenda (Wednesday 26th) and Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill (University of Cambridge): What Did the Roman City do For Us? (Thursday 27th). In addition to the academic sessions on Thursday 27th there will be a two-hour drama workshop and sculptor session based on classical themes as well as excursions to Canterbury and the surrounding area.

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