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Prometheus, Pandora, Adam and Eve: Archetypes of the Masculine and Feminine and their Reception thro

We are happy to give notice of a conference that will take place as the first project of a collaborative research group that has been set up at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. This group aims to examine the joint Classical and Judeo-Christian foundations of Western civilization, and their reception. Both strands have contributed to western societies in areas as diverse as art, philosophy, politics and architecture, and in many cases, the two strands intertwine and play off against each other. Yet very little sustained research to date has incorporated experts from a wide range of different fields, including, but not limited to, scholars of Jewish studies; Christianity; Classical studies; European literature, history and art; politics; philosophy. This is despite the fact that such collaboration would undoubtedly lead to greater understanding. The intention of this research group is therefore to provide enlightenment in a way that individual researchers, in their own closed specialisations, could not.

Within this framework and theoretical understanding, this conference will focus on “Prometheus, Pandora, Adam and Eve: archetypes of the masculine and feminine and their reception throughout the ages”. The topic takes as its starting point the idea that the way in which a society regards mankind, and especially the roots of mankind, both male and female, is crucial to an understanding of that society. Different models for the creation and nature of mankind, and their changing receptions at different periods and places, reflect fundamental evolutions and developments in society. This project thus will investigate the Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian stories about the beginning of mankind, and the reception of these tales in the Western world, at a range of influential periods and places.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 20-21-22/03/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Department of Classical Studies (Bar-Illan University)




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