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Comparativism and the Study of Ancient Mediterranean Pilgrimage- 15-16-17/05/2017- Aarhus​ (Denmark)

"The Emergence of Sacred Travel" project is currently planning our third and final symposium, "Comparativism and the Study of Ancient Mediterranean Pilgrimage", to be held

​in​ Aarhus​ 15-17 May 2017.

The symposium provides a comparative, cross-disciplinary platform for the discussion of ancient pilgrimage. Focus on the act of pilgrimage is reshaping our understanding of the interconnections between the religious traditions of the Mediterranean Basin by linking Jewish pilgrims to the Jerusalem Temple with the theoric interdynamics between major Greek sanctuaries, the power of healing shrines to attract travellers on simultaneously sacred and medically-motivated journeys in Greek, Roman, and other cultural contexts with the explicit 'pilgrimage' traditions of Christian or Muslim holy centres or healing places.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 15-16-17/05/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Troels Myrup Kristensen; Anna Collar (Aarhus University).

INFO: tm​kAT​; klaacolla​rAT​



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