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Voices in Late Latin Poetry (International Graduate and Early Career Conference) - 23-24/03/2017, Ox

Late Latin poetry, the Latin poetry of late antiquity, has been the focus of exciting research in the recent past and this conference hopes to showcase some of it! In particular, it will offer a platform to uncover some of the many voices in late Latin poetry and make them heard - whether they be loud or silent, manifest, hidden or allegorical, classical or experimental, narrators’ or characters’, divine or human, male or female, Roman, Vandal, Visigothic, Frankish, Merovingian or migrant, central or peripheral, bishops’, landowners’, lawyers’, panegyrists’ or martyrs’.

‘Voices’ have been studied in the contexts of such diverse disciplines as sociolinguistics, anthropology, pragmatics, postcolonialism, literary criticism (e.g. Bakhtin), migrant studies and discourse analysis. While papers exploring late Latin poetry as literature without a theoretical backing will be just as welcome as those with an explicit discussion of theory, the event also hopes to highlight methodological approaches that work particularly well for late Latin poetry.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 23-24/03/2017


INFO: PDF - web -

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Gratis/free/gratuito Deadline: 28/02/2017. Es necesario enviar un correo a/Please send an email to/ Si prega di inviare una mail a or


Thursday 23 March

12.00 noon: Opening keynote lecture Michael Roberts (Wesleyan): Narrating Saints: Paulinus of Nola’s Natalicia

1.00pm: Lunch

2.00pm Elena Castelnuovo (Milan): Presence in the distance: Classical and biblical tradition in the voice of Prudentius

2.30pm Francesco Lubian (Vienna): Teaching through images between claritas and obscuritas: Christ’s parables on the kingdom of heaven in Juvencus’ Euangeliorum libri IV

3.00pm Gerben Wartena (Amsterdam) and Cédric Roduit (Lausanne), The narrator’s voice in Sedulius’ Carmen paschale

3.45pm: Tea/Coffee

4.15pm Florence Garambois-Vasquez (Lyon), Pingere sonum: Voice in Ausonius’ epigrammes

4.45pm Brian Sowers (Brooklyn): Recovering Ausonius’ ludic and encyclopedic voice

5.15pm Andreas Abele (Tübingen):Nempe derides: The poems in Symmachus’ correspondence between understatement and self-fashioning

5.45pm: Posters session

Sally Baumann (Graz), Per te namque unum: The glorifying voice of Claudius Claudianus in De bello Gothico

Roberto Chiappiniello Valente (Calne), Tradition and generic innovation: An attempt at deconstructing the Carmen ad uxorem

Hedwig Schmalzgruber (Wuppertal), The mysterious Heptateuch poet (“Cyprianus Gallus”) and his book of Genesis

Berenice Verhelst (Ghent), Claims of novelty and voices from the past in the Aegritudo Perdicae

Joshua Hartman (Ontario) An eternal Gallic voice: A new approach to Ausonius' exchange with Paulinus

7.30pm: Dinner

Friday 24 March

9.00am Hope Williard (Lincoln): The female voice in Merovingian poetry

9.30am Lorenzo Livorsi (Reading): The poet and the canon: Venantius Fortunatus’ voice in Vita S. Martini I,1-49

10.00am David Ungvary (Harvard): Announcing renunciation: Sidonius Apollinaris and Horatian disavowal

10.30am Michael Hanaghan (Cork): Roma’s power and authority in Sidonius’ panegyrics (carm. 2, 5 and 7)

11am: Tea/Coffee

11.30am Giulia Sagliardi (Edinburgh): Alaric’s rabidae voces in Claudian’s Bellum Geticum

12.00 Elizabeth Mcleod Heintges (Columbia): Aetna numquam tacitura: eruptive voices in Claudian’s De raptu Proserpinae

12.30pm Tamara Lobato-Beneyto (Salamanca): Vox nuntiat una: The epic proems of Claudius Claudianus

1.00pm: Lunch

2.00pm Lynton Boshoff (Oxford): Voices past and present in the secular poetry of Dracontius

2.30pm Frances Foster (Cambridge): Rethinking identity: Rutilius Namatianus’ De reditu suo

3.00pm Raffaella Colombo (Pavia): A meta-poetical voice: Nemesianus’ Cynegeticon

3.30pm: Tea/Coffee

4.00pm: Concluding keynote lecture .Philip Hardie (Cambridge): Mosaics and intertextuality

5.00pm: Round-table/concluding discussion

7.30pm: Conference dinner

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