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5th International Postgraduate Conference: New directions in Classical Archaeology - 01-02/12/2016,

The 5th PeClA 2016 International Postgraduate Conference (Perspectives on Classical Archaeology 2016) held at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.

PeClA 2016 is a two-day conference in Classical Archaeology and Classics aimed at postgraduate / doctoral students traditionally offering a space for presenting research results, discussion, and exchange of ideas, in a friendly and supportive environment. This years’ theme of the conference is:

With our student conference reaching its 5th year, we thought it is appropriate to look back a bit and contemplate about the perspectives of our “Perspectives”. Also, after the previous thematically more specific meetings, we thought it would be inspiring, for a change, to loosen up the range of topic, to allow for more diversity.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 01-02/12/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Stanislava Kučová; Jiří Musil; Peter Pavúk; Pavel Titz

INFO: web -



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