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Lyric and Lyricism conference - 16/09/2016, Oxford (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 16/09/2016

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Ertegun House (Oxford, England)


INFO: web -


Normal / Standard / Normale: 15€

Estudiantes / Students / Studenti: 10€


Michael Silk (KCL): Aristocratic Humanities: Pindar, Castiglione, and Yeats

Pauline Le Ven (Yale): Hearing Greek Lyric as Music Again

Stephan Loges and Natasha Loges (Bass-baritone and piano): 18th-century lyrics in 19th-century dress: Brahms’s and Schubert’s settings of Ludwig Hölty’s poetry

Georgina Paul (Oxford): Pacing the emotion: lyric's time-space

Karen Leeder (Oxford): 'Subsongs': The contemporary lyric and a listening poetics

William Fitzgerald (KCL): Lyric, Song and Stanza: a Horatian perspective

Dat Griffiths (Oxford Brookes): The lyrics, lyrical and not so lyrical, of selected popular songs

Stephanie Oade (Oxford): Dramatic lyric: when Catullus meets music

Josephine Balmer (Poet): Making it Personal: Lyric Transformations through Translation and Poetry

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