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Reading Rancière Reading the Classics - 07-08/09/2016, London (England)

The international interdisciplinary workshop in Sept. 2016 is the first element in a larger project that brings together the activities of a group of international experts interested in the relationship between classical antiquity and modern political thought and the work of philosopher Jacques Rancère. Several members of the project (Rifkin, Gibson, Benjamin, Osborne and Kahane) know Rancière personally and/or have worked with him in the past.

Jacques Rancière is one of the most influential and original voices in recent critical discussions of democracy, politics, representation and aesthetics. His work on democracy has offered important reformulations of the category of “the political”, “equality”, “dissent” and “history”, and has attracted a very wide range of responses in many academic fields, including philosophy, political science, art history and practice, literature, public cultural debates and more. Rancière’s attention to groups that are excluded from state politics and history has led him to rethink political representation, and thence also literary and artistic representation and aesthetics. Rancière is a distinct and unapologetic modern thinker, yet central to his work are comprehensive, informed and repeated engagements with classical antiquity, its history and thought: The works of Plato, Aristotle, the Greek and Roman historians and many of the key literary texts of classical antiquity, discussions of Athenian democracy, Roman Imperial history, common soldiers, rebellious leaders and classical literary figures. Rancière traces, reappraises and sometimes radically revises the place of classical antiquity in the genealogy of thought and political practice and provide one of the most important contemporary links between past and present.

The planned workshop will help shed new light on contemporary receptions of the classical past with

significant implications for the disciplines of classics, political studies, literature and philosophy.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 07-08/09/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr. Ellen O'Gorman (Bristol University); Prof. Ahuvia Kahane (Royal Holloway, University of London)

INFO: web -


Cupo casi completo, inscripciones extra limitadas / We are almost at full capacity, but we have allowed for a small number of additional registrations / possibilità d'iscrizioni extra anche se i posti a disposizioni sono quasi finiti



11.00: Coffee and introduction

11.30-1.00: Reading 1: The Philosopher and his Poor

‘Plato’s Lie’

1.00-2.30: Lunch

2.30-4.00: Reading 2: Disagreement: Politics and Philosophy

‘Politics and Police’

4.00-4.30: Tea

4.30-6.00: Reading 3: The Names of History

‘The Excess of Words’


9.30-11.00: Reading 1: The Future of the Image

‘Are Some Things Unrepresentable?’

11.00-11.30: Coffee

11.30-1.00: Reading 2: Mute Speech

‘The Fable of the Letter’

1.00-2.30: Lunch

2.30-4.00: Reading 3: Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics

‘Ten Theses on Politics’

4.00-4.30: Tea

4.30-6.00: Roundtable discussion

conveners: Ahuvia Kahane, RHUL & Ellen O’Gorman, Bristol

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