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TAG 2016 - 19-20-21/12/2016, Southampton (England)

The Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) was founded as a national body in 1979 with the aim of promoting debate and discussion of issues in theoretical archaeology. Its principal activity is the promotion of an annual conference, traditionally held in December and organised so as to be accessible at low cost to research students and others.

TAG conferences have sparked some of the most inventive archaeological articles published in venues such as Archaeological Dialogues, Antiquity and the Journal of Social Archaeology. Sibling branches of the organisation were founded in Scandinavia in 2000, and in the United States in 2008. Local TAG conferences have also been established in more recent years in Turkey and the Czech Republic.

TAG is managed and steered by a National Committee that meets annually and comprises a representative from each of the university departments that have hosted a TAG Conference.

This year the Theoretical Archaeology Group conference will be hosted by the University of Southampton; another significant event to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Archaeology. The overarching theme for the conference is 'Visualisation'.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 19-20-21/12/2016


INFO: web -

Estudiantes o desempleados / Students or unwaged / Studenti o dissocupati: £35

Asistentes con ingresos / Waged / Lavoratori: £68


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