Representations of Conflict in the Ancient and Modern World -28/07/2016, Freiburg (Germany)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28/07/2016
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: FRIAS building (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies) of Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg (Freiburg, Germany)
Opening Remarks 9:00: Rachel Bruzzone
Panel 1: 9:10-11:00
War and Civilization
Panel Chair: Dr. Stoyan Panov
Prof. Donald Sells, University of Michigan
“Violence and its Purpose in the Hesiodic Aspis”
Dr. Rachel Bruzzone, University of Helsinki
“Deities of Conflict in Ancient Greece and the Near East”
Dr. Graham Claytor, University of Basel
“War and Peace in the Papyri”
Panel 2: 11:00 to 13:00
The Peloponnesian War
Panel Chair: Dr. Rachel Bruzzone
Mark Marsh-Hunn, University of Freiburg
“Plataean War Refugees in Athens in the 5th-4th Century BCE: Citizenship, Integration, Ethnic Identity”
Dr. Stelius Chronopoulos, University of Freiburg
“The Difficult Passage from War to Peace in Aristophanes’ Peace”
Dr. Tobias Joho, University of Bern
“The Peloponnesian War and the State of Nature in Thucydides: the Coincidence of Motion and Rest”
14:30-16:00: Panel 3
Battle of the Frogs and Mice
Panel Chair: Prof. Donald Sells
Dr. Paul Martin, University of Exeter
“God help me! Divine Causation, Justification, and the Epic Paradigm”
Prof. S. Douglas Olson, University of Minnesota/FRIAS
“The Image and Ideology of War in the Mock-Epic Battle of the Frogs and Mice”
16:15-17:30 Panel 4
Modern Conflict
Panel Chair: Dr. Iannis Carras
Dr. Stoyan Panov, University College Freiburg
“The Modern Theater of War: Modern Regulation of Warfare and Its Legal Ramifications”
Dr. Dimana Dermendjieva-Dramova, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Bulgaria, Representative of Bulgaria at the European Court of Human Rights
“The Contemporary Dimensions of Warfare: Concepts and Responses to the New Reality”
Concluding Remarks 17:30: Donald Sells